3 hours ago, LordVenger said:Thanks. Now I cant unsee James woods as Batman. Dang you.
It's not my fault. Blame Beast Kingdom.
3 hours ago, Satam said:Looks like James Woods.
Thanks. Now I cant unsee James woods as Batman. Dang you.
What the hell happened to the Keaton likeness?!
The figure looked incredible in the prototype pics, but this thing... Yikes.
Looks like James Woods.
SBToyztakes a look at theBatman (1989) Dynamic 8ction Heroes Action FigurefromBeast Kingdom.Check out images for this figure below in ourGALLERYand be sure to share your own thoughts about it in theCOMMENTS SECTION.
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I don't like this line- they do look like cheap plastic.
So glad I canceled my pre-orders for these.
Looks better than the proto but still not great..the plastic looks cheap. Like 50s plastic water gun cheap. Almost Mego. And at Hot Hoys/ Mezco like prices.
Only beast kingdom I've gotten is darkwing duck. But as good as he is I can't imagine these to be anything less than stellar.