3 hours ago, deecee4 said:Yeah jerry mancuso. He was also a contestant on Faceoff lol.
22 hours ago, JayC said:So just a little fun fact. One of the guys behind Syndicate Collectibles also was behind Sota Toys who brought us a very nice line of Street Fighter figures back in the 90s.
Yeah jerry mancuso. He was also a contestant on Faceoff lol.
I'm not sure about these, on one hand Double Dragon figures is something I've wanted, but these just don't look like what I'd have hoped for, something about how thin they are, and something about the leg joints, these just feel dated, like they would have been really great had they come out in like 2006, I'm on the fence.
So just a little fun fact. One of the guys behind Syndicate Collectibles also was behind Sota Toys who brought us a very nice line of Street Fighter figures back in the 90s.
These are now available for pre-order at our sponsor BigBadToyStore.com.
I was just telling my wife yesterday that whether she realizes it or not, our lives are a constant struggle to avoid the opening sequence of Double Dragon. No way some gang's punching my girl in the gut and throwing her over the shoulder while I'm negligently hanging out in a garage. Also, these look pretty decent, but can't help but be saddened by the scale. Would love to mix stuff like this up with the Jada SF II figures. Ah well, perhaps they'd mix well with the Premium DNA Battletoads stuff.
They look good. I would like to see them next to some super 7 ultimates figures to compared size. Kind of look a bit skinnier for 7" figures...???
By the way, I'm big fan of the Double Dragon video games. I played the arcade game so many times thatcI can't remember...