G.I.Joe Vehicles Wave 3 Hi-Res Images

by Jay Cochran
August 20, 2008
Here is a look at Hasbro's 3rd wave of G.I.Joe vehicles that will see general release. Shown are the following:

- A.W.E. Striker with Leatherneck
- Cobra F.A.N.G. with Cobra Viper and Cobra C.L.A.W. with Cobra Pilot
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Samantha - 2008-08-23 @ 11:23 am

I was looking at the cobra CLAW again and noticed that the inner missiles are missing. The missile holders are there so does that mean it comes with them but they are not attached? I would hope they wouldn't just keep the holders on the sculp with no intention of including something to go on them.

Samantha #US1#

CrimsonFist - 2008-08-23 @ 4:08 am
i'm guessing the fang and claw have the pegs for the new figures backs on them i still might get a couple and see if i can mod them i.e x-acto knife a spare backpack and some super glue

If you can help it run out and get you some super apoxy it will work better than super glue. Super glue will only frost and brake off in your figures back as time goes on. With super apoxy it will stay on forever, will not frost and ruin your claw or your figure.

Cyber Bishop - 2008-08-22 @ 3:50 pm

Man Cutter gets around..

Magic 8 Ball - 2008-08-22 @ 2:07 pm
Generic? What do you mean?

According to all sources, EVERYONE starts at the "bottom of the barrel" and whether or not that is a Viper or a Blueshirt (the point is actually moot), your still starting off as basic infantry. You learn whatever specialization you need (missile specialist for the H.E.A.T. Viper, aquatic demolitions for the Eel, etc.) and you get a snazzy new uniform to denote your speciality. Once you go through the Eel training, you are now an Eel...not a Viper with flipper accessories.

Well, by my first defense, he may be a special Viper. Not a specialty Viper, but a regular Viper who has earned the right not to be like everyone else. More or less the same way that a greenshirt might get promoted to 'Joe status' and pick out their own uniform.

The second is that you'd want some way to denote that someone is in training to be a specialist, but not full-fledged. Using my Strato-Viper example, you don't want this not-completely-trained guy sitting in the uber-expensive Night Raven yet... but neither do you want to line him up with the infantry and send him out to get riddled with bullets. The suit explains it at a glance, so that some squad leader won't toss him a gun and shove him out the door during the next firefight before he can contradict.

To be honest, I think this guy is JUST a Viper (his filecard will be exactly the same as the normal Viper), no "training" version or anything like that. And that's what bugs me. Cobra had a LOT of interesting troopers (Rock Viper, Range Viper, Techno-Viper, etc.), yet we keep seeing TWO kinds over and over: Viper and Blueshirt. Ok, well 3 if you count the Joes that were used as Cobras (yeah, Barbecue). Even if they don't want to do whole new molds (which is weird to me as certain guys get whole new molds while others don't), they can at LEAST frankenstein some figures better than just a straight repaint. A Heli-Viper wouldn't be THAT hard to frankenstein with existing parts (BA Cobra Commander's body, Snow Serpent head, Deep Six's legs, IG Destro's arms). No new parts.....but a new character.

Oh, I'd rather have a 'new' character too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not EXCITED for a red Viper, I just don't think the color scheme is all that garish, and I can come up with 'in-universe' explanations for a Viper to be colored this way, so I don't have an issue with it.

Personally, and this is probably just me, I'd be upset if they cobbled together a Heli-Viper in the manner you describe. I'd much rather see them make a Night-Viper, then FrankenJoe the Heli-Viper from it just as they did originally. Of course, then the question becomes "what are the chances of seeing a Night-Viper"... and I have to admit, I'm a bit worried too.

Samantha - 2008-08-22 @ 10:11 am
Did they redo these two vehicles?


They've made some minor modifications to all the vehicles they have put out (so far as we've seen).

The F.A.N.G. didn't get much, other then a new nose gun, from what I can tell.

The C.L.A.W. though got new handlebars for the pilot to control it. That's the most obvious.

Thanks, I am personally planing on purchasing three of the Fang Claw sets. The figures that come with this don't bother me. Over all this set is interesting.


pesatyel - 2008-08-22 @ 6:31 am
I think I'm the only one who likes "Inverted-Viper". The Joes have all kinds of specialists running around, why can't Cobra have a few Vipers who have earned non-traditional uniforms (probably through sheer survival), but not a place in Cobra Command? Or maybe it is generic- maybe it's a Strato-Viper training outfit or something.

That's what Motor-Viper, H.E.A.T. Viper, Strato-Viper, Frag Viper, Eel, Snow Serpent, Tele-Viper, Techno-Viper (or, appropriate for here, Gyro-Viper and Heli-Viper), etc. are for.

All of those guys being generics as well. My point is that it's not like Cobra is dying to hand out promotions, so I don't find it hard to believe they'd compensate by messing with the uniform and such. GI Joe has a two-tier structure consisting of greenshirts and specialists/unique characters, and I don't think it's going too far to think of Cobra as using a three-tier structure consisting of troops, Cobra Command, and guys in between who are better than the average soldier of their type, but not good enough to be in Cobra Command. There is actually support for this in the cartoon (Dusty and Claymore in 'The Traitor' seem to rank high enough to make using their helmets and masks optional) and in the comics (Scarface, who has subtle differences in his uniform compared to that of other officers). We even see this in the current toyline with the Snow Serpent Commander in the Arctic set (I maintain some of the stands were switched), and the Crimson Guard Officer and CG Leader.

Or, as I also said, even if you go with the assumption that it's a generic, maybe it's a training uniform that denotes this particular Viper is being trained as one of the specialty Viper types. I would doubt that a Gyro-Viper in training is going to be making formation with the regular Vipers, and this instantly identifies him as being something different.

I dunno. Maybe it's just me, but I can think of several good 'in-universe' explanations for why a Viper would be in this outfit. It's a lot better than some of the garish things we've bee exposed to in the past (just how effective are Alley Vipers in bright orange, anyway?), and I just don't have a problem with one Viper in a photo-negative outfit. Hmm... actually, I think I might call him Nega-Viper. I like the sound of it.

Generic? What do you mean?

According to all sources, EVERYONE starts at the "bottom of the barrel" and whether or not that is a Viper or a Blueshirt (the point is actually moot), your still starting off as basic infantry. You learn whatever specialization you need (missile specialist for the H.E.A.T. Viper, aquatic demolitions for the Eel, etc.) and you get a snazzy new uniform to denote your speciality. Once you go through the Eel training, you are now an Eel...not a Viper with flipper accessories.

To be honest, I think this guy is JUST a Viper (his filecard will be exactly the same as the normal Viper), no "training" version or anything like that. And that's what bugs me. Cobra had a LOT of interesting troopers (Rock Viper, Range Viper, Techno-Viper, etc.), yet we keep seeing TWO kinds over and over: Viper and Blueshirt. Ok, well 3 if you count the Joes that were used as Cobras (yeah, Barbecue). Even if they don't want to do whole new molds (which is weird to me as certain guys get whole new molds while others don't), they can at LEAST frankenstein some figures better than just a straight repaint. A Heli-Viper wouldn't be THAT hard to frankenstein with existing parts (BA Cobra Commander's body, Snow Serpent head, Deep Six's legs, IG Destro's arms). No new parts.....but a new character.

Part of my complaint is due to the fact that I REALLY do wonder if we will even SEE most of the "specialist" Cobras. There is a possiblity we won't based on some current trends. No Desert Scorpions on the desert pack. The "Bazooka trooper" (which is just a regular trooper with a fancy vest), the Night Watch set which didn't include any Night Vipers (or a S.A.W. Viper or Laser Viper, for that matter).

Maybe they aren't willing (yet?) to go that far (the farthest they've gone is 87). We are actually only missing ONE Cobra from 82 to 85 (the Lamprey), but there ARE a lot of troopers and individuals from 86 and 87 we haven't seen yet (Mindbender, more Dreadnoks, Motor Viper, Strato-Viper, Techno-Viper, etc. And the Gyro-Viper is an 87 figure as well).

firestongue - 2008-08-22 @ 4:11 am

I like the FANG. Really looking forward to getting that one. There was one in the GVC line but it just wasnt quite the same. I think it actuallly came with a Cobra CLAWs Figure, at least thats how I displayed it. But this FANG looks great, even like the one my brothers had back in the 80s and passed on to me to play with. I hope they release enough of these.

The Kool Aid Viper needs to go....to get a better color scheme. Maybe will look better in person.

CrimsonFist - 2008-08-22 @ 3:54 am

I can only pray that that whole crew who worked on this line gets fires and they can all live in the same card board box and hope that someone comes by and sets it on fire withe them all traped inside!!! LOL

Magic 8 Ball - 2008-08-22 @ 3:36 am
I think I'm the only one who likes "Inverted-Viper". The Joes have all kinds of specialists running around, why can't Cobra have a few Vipers who have earned non-traditional uniforms (probably through sheer survival), but not a place in Cobra Command? Or maybe it is generic- maybe it's a Strato-Viper training outfit or something.

That's what Motor-Viper, H.E.A.T. Viper, Strato-Viper, Frag Viper, Eel, Snow Serpent, Tele-Viper, Techno-Viper (or, appropriate for here, Gyro-Viper and Heli-Viper), etc. are for.

All of those guys being generics as well. My point is that it's not like Cobra is dying to hand out promotions, so I don't find it hard to believe they'd compensate by messing with the uniform and such. GI Joe has a two-tier structure consisting of greenshirts and specialists/unique characters, and I don't think it's going too far to think of Cobra as using a three-tier structure consisting of troops, Cobra Command, and guys in between who are better than the average soldier of their type, but not good enough to be in Cobra Command. There is actually support for this in the cartoon (Dusty and Claymore in 'The Traitor' seem to rank high enough to make using their helmets and masks optional) and in the comics (Scarface, who has subtle differences in his uniform compared to that of other officers). We even see this in the current toyline with the Snow Serpent Commander in the Arctic set (I maintain some of the stands were switched), and the Crimson Guard Officer and CG Leader.

Or, as I also said, even if you go with the assumption that it's a generic, maybe it's a training uniform that denotes this particular Viper is being trained as one of the specialty Viper types. I would doubt that a Gyro-Viper in training is going to be making formation with the regular Vipers, and this instantly identifies him as being something different.

I dunno. Maybe it's just me, but I can think of several good 'in-universe' explanations for why a Viper would be in this outfit. It's a lot better than some of the garish things we've bee exposed to in the past (just how effective are Alley Vipers in bright orange, anyway?), and I just don't have a problem with one Viper in a photo-negative outfit. Hmm... actually, I think I might call him Nega-Viper. I like the sound of it.

CrimsonFist - 2008-08-22 @ 3:18 am

Another Repaint hu? LOL how sad, Hasbro has just run out of Ideas over and over and over and over and ov...sorry you guys get the point. The CLAW does not even have wheels anymore and it does not have an under belly. Now the sucker that I am I pre ordered 6 of them (thank god that was it) I will only be keeping the fangs and selling everyting else. Man I can not wait untile my figure line is released. But either way JOE JOEEEeeee..... fade to black......

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