If the movie has already made $125 million worldwide then it is a shoe in for a sequel.
it just made 108mil all together. also they had no real compaction that opened up with it. so of course it would make big money.
If the movie has already made $125 million worldwide then it is a shoe in for a sequel.
well i said about 125 mil total. so it needs to make atleast 50mil more to get a green lit 2nd movie. if they do get rid of sommers.
Actually The movie did just over 100 million worldwide this weekend (Number 1 in China and Russia). That is what you call success.
i hope we do get some cool figs and vehicles out of it, but the movie was ooooook. Nowhere near great, but not altogether terrible
So the movie's doing well. That's a good thing. You may or may not like it (or the idea of it), but the one thing that benefits all is that if the movie does well, then they'll be more likely to start investing in some more vehicles and playsets. Or put money into digging up things from the past, like more vehickes and playsets. Or re-do some of the old molds for more VEHICLES AND PLAYSETS!!! (Logic based on if the movie bombed, that would have been Hasbro's excuse out of it!)
I saw the movie on Friday and I really throught it was great. I am planning on going to see it again. And that is something I never do.
thats awsome
The AP put out this story at 11:00 am today, August 9:
LOS ANGELES G.I. Joe is the latest toy to invade Hollywood and plant its blockbuster flag.Inspired by the Hasbro action figure, "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" took command of the weekend box office with a $56.2 million debut domestically. Worldwide, "G.I. Joe" has marched to $100 million.
I haven't seen it yet (going later in the week! ). Glad to hear it's doing good though! #tank# @usa@