On 2/19/2020 at 10:26 PM, JayC said:Liefeld gets credit for creating such characters as Deadpool and XForce as well as being an original Image founder. He was deemed a kid prodigy even though his art has never really improved or changed since he was a kid. Regardless of what you might think of him or his talent, you cant deny he has been great at marketing himself all these years. I remember as a kid seeing him in the Levis commercial, anyone remember that?
Oh yes I Rembrandt it well as well as his Spike Man Spike Lee drawing that appeared in said commercial
9 hours ago, InspectorZartan said:It amazes me that not only does Rob L continue to have a name people use to positively promote a book but that at conventions he continues to have a line around the corner while more talented legends sit with no line.
This! I see a lot of talented artists in conventions that no one pays attention to, artists with great art style and then there is this guy with people tripping over themselves to have Deadpool stuff signed for them.
Liefeld gets credit for creating such characters as Deadpool and XForce as well as being an original Image founder. He was deemed a kid prodigy even though his art has never really improved or changed since he was a kid. Regardless of what you might think of him or his talent, you cant deny he has been great at marketing himself all these years. I remember as a kid seeing him in the Levis commercial, anyone remember that?
I'm amazed that even after all these years Rob Liefeld continues to entertain us with muscles on top of other muscles, totally made up muscles, and the ability to see a characters back muscles from a front view. Good god man! Take a human anatomy class!
It amazes me that not only does Rob L continue to have a name people use to positively promote a book but that at conventions he continues to have a line around the corner while more talented legends sit with no line.
15 minutes ago, JayC said:LOL, I remember back when GIJoe was a team and not all about just Snake-Eyes.
It like with X-Men's Wolverine or Power Rangers' Tommy, they introduce a character who prove to be really popular and put him everywhere.
AlsoI wonder if any of the issues will becompletely devoid of dialogue like the famous silent issue.
LOL, I remember back when GIJoe was a team and not all about just Snake-Eyes.
Ah, Liefeld, the stray dog of the comics industry. He'll never go away because no matter how big a mess he makes in the yard, they just keep feeding him.
That's a pretty fun optical illusion Liefeld's on that cover there with Snake Eyes missing arm and having two arms at the same time. Also, why would he need three swords?