Marvel Comic Solicitations For February 2005

by Jay Cochran
November 19, 2004
Spider-Man Titles

Written by J. Michael Straczynski, penciled by Mike Deodato and Mark Brooks, cover by Gary Frank

"Skin Deep," part 3 of 4. When a former classmate of Peter Parker's is caught in a horrific experiment, he blames Peter for the resulting transformation...But is Peter to blame? And how will Peter react when someone targets his personal life instead of Spider-Man's life, for a change?

32 pages, $2.25, in stores on Feb. 23

Written by Jeevan J. Kang, Suresh Seetharaman, and Sharad Devarajan, pencils and cover by Jeevan J. Kang

When Pavitr Prabhakar donned the costume of Spider-Man, he didn't realize the danger and tragedy that he'd have to face. Now Pavitr finds his whole life has led to one moment, one chance for Spider-Man to put things right and bring down the maniacal man-turned-monster known as...the Green Goblin! In this final issue of the first Spider-Man: India limited series, It's a desperate fight to the finish with the fate of India hanging in the balance!

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 16

Written by Samm Barnes, penciled by Scot Eaton, cover by Greg Land

"Sins Remembered: Sarah's Story." The most talked about Spider-Man story of the year continues, as the offspring of Gwen Stacy puts the moves on Peter Parker. Part 3 of 4.

32 pages, $2.25, in stores on Feb. 16

Written by Dan Slott, penciled by Ty Templeton, cover by Paul Smith

"Catch You on the Flip-Side." On a stupid dare, ol' web-head and hot-head trade places to see who's got it easier. Now the Human Torch has to track down Kraven the Hunter -- while Spidey joins the rest of the Fantastic Four on a strange new cosmic adventure! Check out guest appearances by Crystal! The Vulture! And everyone's favorite high school sweetheart, Gwen Stacy--just the way you remember her. Part 2 of 5.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by Tom DeFalco, pencils and cover by Ron Frenz

"Back In Black!" As the Avengers and Fantastic Five form a joint task force to hunt for the New Venom, Spider-Girl takes matters into her own hands when she switches back into her black costume and goes after him alone. Featuring guest-stars galore! Part 2 of 3.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 2

Written by Fiona Avery, penciled by Roger Cruz, cover by Mark Brooks

"A Tangled Web." What seems like a routine collar turns out to be anything but when the corrupt judge Anya captured reveals a deadly new threat to the Spider Society. While Miguel tangles with an old enemy, a new nemesis arrives on the scene to challenge Anya, in the most unlikely of places.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 23


Written by Tony Bedard, penciled by Karl Moline, cover by Scot Eaton.

"Forget-Me-Not" Rogue travels to Japan and meets up with an old-ally-and-sometimes-enemy Shiro Yashida, a.k.a. Sunfire. The big question is which side is he on this time? Part 2 of 6.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 23

Written by John Layman, pencils and cover by Georges Jeanty

"Voodoo Economics" Part 1 of 3! Gambit's hometown is being overrun by zombies. What can the Ragin' Cajun do to save his beloved Big Easy from the wrath of the undead?

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by Chris Claremont, pencils and cover by Aaron Lopresti

"Saturday Night Fever" concludes as a whole new era for the Marvel Universe begins. Excalibur's mission is called into doubt when the truth about one of their members is revealed to the citizens of Genosha.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 23

UNCANNY X-MEN #455 and #456
Written by Chris Claremont, pencils and cover by Alan Davis

"On Ice!" Parts 1 and 2 of 5. The X-Men return to the Savage Land. Plus, the team gains a highly unexpected new member. Alan Davis returns as the monthly penciler.

32 pages, $2.25, in stores on Feb. 2

X-23 #3
Written by Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost, pencils and cover by Billy Tan

"Innocence Lost." Spinning out of NYX, the true origin of X-23 continues. Readers have witnessed her creation and the acts of mental and physical manipulation that have made her the ultimate weapon. Now we will see her in action. Her first field mission -- assassinate a U.S. presidential candidate surrounded by thousands of supporters in broad daylight. And that is just the beginning. Part 3 of 6.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 23

X-MEN #167
Written by Peter Milligan, pencils and cover by Salvador Larroca.

"Golgotha." While the X-Men think they've saved the day, a greater danger, unbeknownst to them, is growing right in their own backyard. Part 2 of 5.

32 pages, $2.25, in stores on Feb. 23

Written by Fabian Nicieza, art by Patrick Zircher, UDON and Gotham, cover by Patrick Zircher

The conclusion of Thirty Pieces! Can T-Bolts guest-star, the Fixer, fix Cable? Can Cable fix himself without killing the Six Pack? And, oh yeah, can Deadpool kick the living crap out of Agent X and save all of them? All will be answered. And from an ending comes... a new beginning!

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 16

Written by Tony Bedard, pencils and cover by Mizuki Sakakibara

Just what was Blink up to during her absence from the Exiles those many months ago? Find out here! Also, the team gains an exciting new member! Will this familiar face from issues past strengthen them or destroy them?

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 2

Written by Akira Yoshida, pencils and cover by Pat Lee.

Itıs the X-Men and Fantastic Four versus...the X-Men and Fantastic Four? An unexpected adversary turns Marvelıs two greatest hero families against one another. Part 3 of 5.

32 pages, $3.50, in stores on Feb. 2

Written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, penciled by Darick Robertson, cover by Greg Land.

"Ghosts On The Rails." Some angry ghosts with unfinished business are wreaking havoc in the New York subways, and only Nightcrawler can meet them on their own terms--in the dark. Part 2 of 2.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 23

Plotted by Rob Liefeld, scripted by Brandon Thomas, penciled by Marat Mychaels, cover by Liefeld

Part 1 (of 3). In the aftermath of the first X-Force series, Shatterstar finds himself fighting for his life on the island of Madripoor. How does he come into possession of the Five Fingers of Annihilation and who else sought to control its terrible power? Featuring Spiral from the pages of Longshot and X-Men.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 23

Written by Arvid Nelson and Mike Raicht, penciled by Lewis Larosa and Carlo Pagulayan, cover by Paul Smith

Two exciting stories, starring Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde! In the first, Arvid Nelson and Lewis Larosa weave a tale of Nightcrawler's unique encounter...with a girl who has no idea heıs a mutant. In "The Boy Who Wasn't There" by Mike Raicht and Carlo Pagulayan, Kitty Pryde tries to help a boy very much like herself... but he might be beyond her help.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 2

Written by Robert Kirkman, penciled by Derec Donovan, cover by Casey Jones

It's the all-out, action-packed finale. Learn the truth about Aunt Hope and what the heck she's been doing with all those guns. Jubilee and Shane Shooter blast through bad guys like they're goin' out of style. Duck and cover as L.A. gets hit by more property damage than the World Cup Finals! It's a riot in the City of Angels. And oh yeah, that *snikt* *snikt* guy. What's his name? He shows up, too.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 2

Written by Sean McKeever, penciled by Manuel Garcia, cover by Mike Mayhew

"Quiet" Conclusion. The shocking series finale. Everything has been leading up to the explosive events of this issue. Big changes are in store for the shifty shapechanger.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 23

Written by Nunzio Defilippis and Christina Weir, penciled by Paco Medina, cover by Michael Ryan

"Too Much Information," part 1 of 2. David Alleyne, a.k.a. prodigy of the New Mutants, can absorb the skills and knowledge of anyone close by ‹but is doomed to forget everything as soon as theyıre gone. So what would happen if he could keep that knowledge instead of forgetting? Heıd be the smartest kid in the world, right? Is it too much of a good thing

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 16

Written by Greg Pak, pencils and cover by Greg Land

The return of the Phoenix continues to wreak havoc upon the lives of the X-Men as they find it increasingly difficult to combat a cosmic force which loves them. Part 3 of 5.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 23

Marvel Hero Titles

Written by Peter David. pencils and cover by Lee Weeks.

"Tempest Fugit," part 2 of 5. The mystery of the tempest-tossed island continues to thicken as the Hulk finds himself in a major smackdown with a "smash"-ing monster; at the same time, details of a tragic incident in his youth are seemingly an open book to the mysterious individual overseeing all that transpires there.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by Robert Kirkman, pencils and cover by Scott Kolins

"The Golden Child." Things heat up as Spider-Man crosses paths with everyone's favorite Wolverine Clone, X-23. What terrible fate has befallen the Golden Child, young mutant Paul Patterson? And what does it have to do with everyone's favorite Wall-Crawler? Part 5 of 6.

32 pages, $2.25, in stores on Feb. 2

Written by Fabian Nicieza, penciled by Tom Grummett, cover by Grummett

Fathom 5 launches an all-out terrorist assault on the city. With Songbird in the hospital and Mach IV without an armor (or is an OLD one available?), what will Atlas do? Who can save the day? Would you believe... HYDRA? And while all this hits the fans, will Atlas keep his cool? Will Radioactive Man blow his top? And will the other T-Bolts spring into action... or sit in a Brooklyn bar and watch Manhattan sink into the river on CNN?

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by Joe Casey, pencils and cover by Scott Kolins

With the original lineup at its lowest point, will the addition of new members keep the dream alive? Even if those new members... are all former villains? Plus, the final showdown between Captain America and Zemo. One lives, one dies. The future of the Avengers was decided during these seminal events.

32 pages, $3.50, in stores on Feb. 9 and 16

Written by Allan Jacobsen, pencils and cover by C. P. Smith

"Cruel and Unusual" part 1 of 3. Everything changes. The secrets of the Thin Man are revealed at last as the New Invaders reunite in a cataclysmic battle to change the world.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 16

Written by Priest, penciled by Joe Bennett, cover by Trevor Hairsine

"Brothers and Keepers (Adelphoite Phylaxes)." Cap pursues a distraught and suicidal MODOK to Singapore, where Cap must come between MODOK and an enraged Incredible Hulk. For, if Hulk kills MODOK, MODOK will unleash the deadly MODOK Virus, which threatens the entire planet! Meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Ali Morales confronts Falcon on his recent odd behavior and forges an unlikely alliance. Part 5 of 5.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 2

Written by Ed Brubaker, pencils and cover by Steve Epting,
with guest-artist Michael Lark

Home from his European excursion with S.H.I.E.L.D., Cap finds a new assault on his honor and the things he holds dear. Were the days of chasing down the Red Skull's minions simply a diversion? And why are his own memories suddenly playing tricks on him? The ground-breaking new team of Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting, with additional art from Harvey and Eisner award-winner Michael Lark, continue the twists and turns of the darkest mystery Cap has ever faced!

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 23

Written by Michael Oeming, pencils and cover by Andrea Di Vito.

Beta Ray Bill is mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore! On the heels of watching his best friends die (Thor Disassembled), Beta Ray finds himself pitted against an enemy greater then any he has faced before. Introducing Stardust, a creature of cosmic power who turns his enemies to dust to fuel the stars. And that's just what he intends to do to Beta Ray BillŠ and the Korbinite people... but heıs only following orders...But from whom? The answer is big. Part 2 of 6

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 16

Written by Dan Slott, penciled by Paul Pelletier, cover by Mike Mayhew.

"Acceptable Losses" She-Hulk has never been so broken, battered, and beaten. And if Titania gets her hands on her one more time, there won't be any coming back. Can special guest-stars Spider-Man, Hercules, and the Fantastic Four hold She-Hulk's worst enemy at bay? Or is this the end for Jen Walters and her emerald alter ego? Part 3 of 3.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by Mark Waid, pencils and cover by Mike Wieringo.

"Rising Storm" conclusion. The Galactus epic concludes--but where will that leave the FF? Who will live, who will die, and how will Johnny Storm ever be the same now that he's tasted the Power Cosmic? The answer will surprise. Part 4 of 4.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 23

Written by Robert Kirkman, penciled by Cliff Rathburn, cover by Jim Cheung

A trip to the Negative Zone goes awry when Annihilus shows up to make trouble. Reed and crew are locked in a battle for their very lives against a foe whose powers just might surpass their own. And it's all part of Reed's plan.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by Brian Michael Bendis, pencils and cover by David Finch

The New Avengers assemble and come face-to-face with the mystery threat that brought them together in the first place. Plus -- it's unbreakable shield versus adamantium claw. Who will win? It's wall-to-wall crazy!

32 pages, $2.25, in stores on Feb. 23

Marvel Knights Titles

Written by Reginald Hudlin, pencils and cover by John Romita Jr

The Wakandan super hero is back with Hollywood heavyweight Hudlin and fan favorite Romita Jr., teaming up to deliver a new ongoing series that's sure to excite true believers and the hip hop faithful. The Black Panther's origin is retold in a cinematic scope with social satire and all-out action. Marvel has big plans for the Panther. He's destined to become a key player in the Marvel Universe this year.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 2

Written by Brian Michael Bendis, pencils and cover by Alex Maleev.

"Golden Age." The story so epic it needed an extra issue to tell! The shocking conclusion to the Daredevil tale that spans the history of the Marvel Universe. A hero will be born and an empire will fall, bringing an important chapter of the history of Hell's Kitchen to a close.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 16

Written by David Hine, penciled by Michael Gaydos, cover by Bill Sienkiewicz

In the small, God-fearing town of Redemption Valley, a young boyıs body is found dead and mutilated. Is it a ritualistic killing? The local bad boy, Joel Flood, is arrested and put in jail. A black-garbed, "devil-worshipping" metalhead, he must be guilty...or is he? Enter attorney and super hero Matt Murdock, brought in to save the troubled teen from what looks like a witch-hunt by an outraged community desperate for justice...and the death penalty. This may be the most important case of Matt's career. A loss means justice denied and certain death for his client. Inspired by the true story of "The Robin Hood Hills Murders."

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 2 and 16

Written, pencils and cover by Frank Cho

She's bold, she's beautiful, and she's your best hope of escaping the raptors nipping at your heels. She's Shanna, the She Devil. Cho brings you Marvelıs bodacious jungle girl as you've never seen her before: Reborn from Nazi science gone mad to battle her genetic destiny on an island full of prehistoric horrors. Shanna has never looked this good...or acted this bad.

32 pages, $3.50, in stores on Feb. 2

Written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, penciled by Jim Muniz, cover by Steve McNiven

"Divine Time" Prologue 1 of 4. In New York, it's springtime‹and business as usual for the FF, as they celebrate Franklin's team making it to the Little League playoffs‹but around the globe...the very fabric of time is unraveling. Minutes are vanishing from days and objects from the past are materializing in the present. When these chronal anomalies start multiplying like a virus, Reed, Sue, Ben, and Johnny decide to slip into the timestream to investigate. For seasoned adventurers like the FF, it should be a walk in the park, right? Guess again.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by Mark Millar, pencils and cover by Terry Dodson

Things heat up as Spidey and the Black Cat face off against the might of the Sinister Twelve. Twelve? Even with the tough-as-nails Black Cat by his side, how can the web-slinger possibly defeat twelve of the most powerful super-villains on the planet? You donıt want to miss this one, action fans!

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by David Hine, penciled by Lan Medina, cover by Tom Raney

"Underground" Bishop and Ismael travel beneath the streets to uncover the mystery behind "The Worm." All while Ismael's dangerous addiction might spell disaster for those around him. Part 4 of 6.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by Richard K. Morgan, art by Bill Sienkiewicz and Goran Parlov, cover by Greg Land.

Hell hath no fury like the Black Widow. She's here, she's feared, and she's ready to take down those who want her dead. Still reeling from the discoveries about her Red Room past, Natasha must first uncover one more secret...and the only person who can help her is the one person who's betrayed her the most! Featuring an appearance by Nick Fury.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 23

Written by Mark Millar, penciled by John Romita Jr., inked by Klaus Janson, cover by Romita. and Richard Isanove.

"Enemy Of The State" conclusion. Tough love takes on a whole new meaning when Wolverine, brainwashed and evil, comes home to the X-Mansion for his most damaging Hydra mission yet. Are the X-Men and Nick Fury ready for him? The blistering storyline speeds to a breakneck conclusion you have to see to believe!

32 pages, $2.25, in stores on Feb. 16

All-New "Patch" cover by John Romita Jr.

Reprinting the sold out Wolverine 20-22, parts 1-3 of "Enemy Of The State." The worldıs deadliest living weapon just fell into the wrong hands. Itıs Wolverine vs. the Marvel Universe in the best-selling, blockbuster storyline that will have Logan shredding his way through the X-Men, Fantastic Four, S.H.I.E.L.D., and more. Get caught up with the story fans are calling the best new Wolverine in years. With special variant cover to Wolverine #20, featuring Wolverine as his classic alter-ego, Patch.

80 pages, $3.99, in stores on Dec. 12

Written by Stuart Vandal, Barry Reese, Ronald Byrd, Sean Mcquaid, Anthony Flamini, Eric J Moreels, Jeff

Christiansen and Michael Hoskin, cover by Pat Lee. On the mean streets of the Marvel Universe, the kid gloves come off. Guardian devils, vengeance-seeking vigilantes and enigmatic assassins stalk the city's dark underbelly _ and the urban action unfolds with gritty intensity. The newest entry in Marvelıs best-selling Handbook series, OHOTMUMK04 includes in-depth bios on a host of the Houseıs edgiest icons ‹ from Black Panther to Shang-Chi.

48 pages, $3.99, in stores on Feb. 16

Written by J. Michael Straczynski and Sara (Samm) Barnes, pencils and cover by Brandon Peterson.
The Master of the Mystic Arts is back -- as only J. Michael Straczynski and artist Brandon Peterson could envision him. In this issue, Stephen Strange at last learns what the Ancient One has planned for him.

32 pages, $3.50, in stores on Feb. 16

Marvel Next Titles

Written by Allan Heinberg, pencils and cover by Jim Cheung

In the wake of Avengers Disassembled, a mysterious new group of teen super heroes appears. But who are they? Where did they come from? And what right do they have to call themselves The Young Avengers? Young Gun Jim Cheung and TV writer Allan Heinberg (The O.C., Sex in The City, and Party of Five). This series promises to shock and surprise.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by Adam Warren, penciled by Rick Mays, cover by Adam Warren.

Hollowpoint Ninja. Gothic Lolita. Cornfed. Stem Cell. Social Butterfly. They're nanobuilt humanform combat mecha, with "smartware" bodies specialized for covert ops and Artificially Intelligent minds programmed for suicidal loyalty. They're the superhuman products of a top-secret, quasi-governmental R&D program with a unique agenda: namely, to seek out and destroy other top-secret, quasi-governmental R&D programs. And in the ultratech underbelly of a Marvel Universe infested with mad suprageniuses, homebrewed WMDs, and bootlegged alien technologies, they have a lot of work to do...

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 16

Written by Brian K. Vaughan, pencils by Adrian Alphona, cover by Jo Chen

"True Believers" Part 1 of 6. When a group of teenagers discovers that their parents are actually super-villains, they run away from home...but that's only step one. Now that the evil Pride is gone, nearly every bad guy in the Marvel Universe is trying to fill the power vacuum in Los Angeles, and the Runaways are the only heroes who can stop them! Plus, what does the mysterious new team Excelsior want with the Runaways, and which fan-favorite Marvel characters are part of this group? All this and many more surprises await a brand-new era of the most unpredictable comic on the stands.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 16

Ultimate Marvel Titles

Written by Brian Michael Bendis, pencils and cover by Mark Bagley.

"Hobgoblin" Part 1 of 5. Itıs the terrifying beginning of the Hobgoblin arc as Harry Osborn returns to Midtown High harboring a dark secret that will affect the lives of all those around him--especially Peter Parker. And where does father Norman fit into things?

32 pages, $2.25, in stores on Feb. 2

Written by Brian K. Vaughan, pencils and cover by Stuart Immonen.

"Longshot," part 3 of 4. With one of the X-Men now a captive on the island of Krakoa, the malevolent media mogul called Mojo demands the X-Men return Longshot to his headquarters or Angel will soon have a harp to go with his wings. Meanwhile, does Longshot have a "Dazzling" not-so-secret admirer?

32 pages, $2.25, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by Mark Millar, pencils and cover by Bryan Hitch

The Trial of The Incredible Hulk! Is it all over for the scared scientist who harbors a monster within him? Guest-starring Matt Murdock!

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by Warren Ellis, pencils and cover by Adam Kubert

"N-Zone" There's life in the N-Zone, but with the sun dying, there won't be for long! Can the F.F. save them? And more importantly, should they save them? Part 4 of 6.

32 pages, $2.25, in stores on Feb. 23

Marvel Age Titles

Written by Brandon Thomas from a story by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, pencils by Michael O'Hare, cover by Randy Green

The Fantastic Four cross the globe to meet the Black Panther and help him battle his lifelong nemesis -- Klaw! A modern retelling of a classic story by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

32 pages, $2.25, in stores on Feb. 9

Plot by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, written by Kitty Fross, pencils by Patrick Scherberger, ccover by Roger Cruz

High school outcast Peter Parker has never had it easy...but nothing can prepare him for how out of control things get when a chance encounter with a radioactive spider transforms him into--Spider-Man! Children's book author Kitty Fross takes us to the beginnings of the Marvel Age in this retelling of Spidey's classic origin.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 2

Written by Todd Dezago, penciled by Valentine De Landro, cover by Randy Green

Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man joins forces with the X-Menıs resident weather-controller, Storm! The duo match wits against a power-stealing super-villain in this thrilling all-new tale. This is a never-before-told story of wall-to-wall-crawling and wind-riding in the Marvel Age manner.

32 pages, $2.25, in stores on Feb. 2

Max Titles

Written by J. Michael Straczynski, pencils and cover by Gary Frank

What does the most powerful being on the planet do when he finds out he's been manipulated and that his whole life is practically a lie? How will Hyperion react -- and what does that mean for the rest of humanity--and the government that's organized these deceitful machinations? Another pulse-pounding issue from the architects of the Supremeverse!

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 2

Written by Samm Barnes, penciled by Travel Foreman, cover by Gary Frank

In the phenomenal finale to the first miniseries to spin out of the Supremeverse, Joe Ledger must either take control of the alien presence that is haunting his memories and his mind, or be destroyed by it. But does Joe have enough power to control the crystal? Or will the crystal reject him and destroy his humanity in the process?

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9

Written by Garth Ennis, penciled by Dougie Braithwaite, cover by Tim Bradstreet

"Mother Russia." Searching for a deadly retrovirus whose sale on the black market could bring the world to its knees, Frank Castle penetrates a Russian nuclear silo...and comes face-to-face with the Mongolian! Part 4 of 6.

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Feb. 9


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