In a relatively short time, writer Brian Michael Bendis has conquered the universe...the Marvel Universe, that is. Now he’s extended his exclusive arrangement with the House of Ideas and plans to conquer all time and space combined.
His books rest comfortably at the top of the sales charts each month and the stories he weaves in them get the fans talking! The current list of Marvel projects Bendis is involved with and the creators he is collaborating with is weighty and far-flung: HOUSE OF M with Olivier Coipel, ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN with Mark Bagley, DAREDEVIL with Alex Maleev, NEW AVENGERS with David Finch, SECRET WAR with Gabriele Dell’Otto, and of course, his very own special masterpiece, POWERS with Michael Avon Oeming.
One might wonder what these characters and situations have come to mean to Bendis, and which of them he’s grown closest to.
“Well, obviously, those would be the ones I am lucky enough to be writing,” says the scribe. “Spider-man, Daredevil, the New Avengers, Jessica Jones, I could go on and on. But also, the greatest supporting casts- Foggy Nelson, Mary Jane Watson, Jarvis...
“That is one of the big reasons my life with Marvel has been so fortunate. I have been given the amazing opportunity to chronicle these characters that mean so much to all of us, with the artists who’s work I think is the best comics has ever seen, and do all of it under the supervision of one of the best editorial staffs that has ever sat in the mighty Bullpen.”
And Bendis doesn’t forget the fans when thinking back over favorites. “They mean everything in the world. Honestly, I know I sound like a corndog on a stick, but we're the first generation of comic creators to get instant worldwide feedback from our readers. That's why I think comics, overall, have gotten so good, because the reader is out there and we know it.”
“My readers have been so open to the variety of ideas and projects we've tried and its impossible to thank them enough. The best thing I can do is stay with the company who I think makes the best kind of comics, the kind of comics I need to make, with the best characters in the history of modern fiction. Its my true honor to stick to the commitment I made to the people who have supported these books.”
Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada is obviously very happy that Bendis will continue his good works at the House of Ideas. “Brian’s a true professional, a good guy, and one heckuva talented writer. When it comes right down to it, what more could Marvel ask for? He’s opened up new vistas for our fictional stars and single-handedly created a fanbase that’s truly overwhelming. Brian’s is, no doubt about it, Da Man to End All Mans!”
The sentiments for Marvel Comics and its staff are reciprocated by Bendis, giving us an idea of the good feelings and creativity that has become a cornerstone of the comics giant. “I just want to publicly thank Dan Buckley, Joe Quesada, Avi Arad, Ike Perlmutter, Alan Fine, and the entire editorial staff at Marvel for creating a trusting and supportive environment for me and the creative community.”
Bendis fans can hear all the latest developments of his career with Marvel at Marvel.com.
With a library of over 5,000 proprietary characters, Marvel Enterprises, Inc. is one of the world's most prominent character-based entertainment companies. Marvel's operations are focused in four areas: entertainment (Marvel Studios), licensing, comic book publishing and toys (Toy Biz). Marvel facilitates the creation of entertainment projects, including feature films, DVD/home video, video games and television based on its characters and also licenses its characters for use in a wide range of consumer products and services including apparel, collectibles, snack foods and promotions. Marvel's characters and plot lines are created by its comic book division which continues to expand its leadership position in the U.S. and worldwide while also serving as an invaluable source of intellectual property.
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