Ultimate X-Men Annual #1 has sold out at Diamond, joining the other Ultimate Annual sell-outs of Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #1 and Ultimates Annual #1. Once a yearly event for Marvel, annuals have been revived and have met with a whirlwind of praise from critics.
“Marvel is doing an excellent job of reviving the annual format,” says Don MacPherson of TheFourthRail.com.
Even retailers are hyped about the reemergence of annuals. Mike Malve of Atomic Comics says, “Marvel scores HUGE !, HUGE !, HUGE ! on all these annuals. BKV stands and delivers in what I might say was my favorite X-book in years.”
The 2005 Eisner-award winning writer Brian K. Vaughan was thrilled to hear about the sell-out of Ultimate X-Men Annual #1. Vaughan knew he only wanted to do an annual if it was going to have a strong and lasting effect on the monthly Ultimate X-Men title and fans have been shocked by just how massive the issue was.
"When Brian Bendis, Mark Millar and I first started talking about annuals with everyone at Marvel, we all agreed that we wouldn't do them unless they were huge stories important to our series, like Marvel annuals used to be back when Stan Lee and Jack Kirby were doing them,” says Vaughan.
Brian K. Vaughan also made sure to point out the incredible artwork Tom Raney provided for Ultimate X-Men Annual #1. “It's been a huge honor to be a small part of helping to resurrect these special books, but all credit for the Ultimate X-Men Annual sellout belongs to the fantastic Tom Raney. He blows stuff up real good."
Editor Ralph Macchio is also beaming with joy over the fan reaction to the Ultimate Annuals. “Third time has certainly been the charm for our Ultimate Annuals!” says Macchio. “I continue to be deeply gratified by the wonderful response the readers have had to our efforts here.”
“We intend to more fully explore the bizarre Rogue/Juggernaut/Gambit triangle as established in the Ultimate X-Men Annual over in the monthly title,” adds Macchio. “Now hang onto your hat for the fourth and final offering this year: Ultimate Fantastic Four Annual #1! It’ll be worth the wait.”
The first three of this year’s Ultimate Annuals have been flying off the shelves so be sure to pick up this year’s last amazing annual:
Written by MARK MILLAR
Penciled by JAE LEE
Cover by GREG LAND
FOC – 9/1 On Sale – 9/21/05
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