Yeah, these battle packs look pretty sweet even though they are mostly repaints. Things like the Weather Dominator, and the build-a-MASS Device really make it worthwhile. That Lady Jaye looks great too!
I never got the Cobra box set so I'm looking forward to this Destro. I only wish that they would release the box set Baroness.
Roadblock will go into my pile of custom fodder.
Lady Jaye is fantastic. I'm glad I didn't get the one with the hat.
VH why do you roll your eyes at Destro? It's the same damn figure we already have but now with a crome dome. I'd rather we got someone else but Roadblock is the true loser of the set. He's the exact same one we already have, no changes.
You answered your own question.
I rolled my eyes because the Destro (and even Roadblock) are lame inclusions, repeats, old figures, unNEEDED, unWANTED (AGAIN) and pretty boring. The line is apparently "limited" and has a looming cease and desist soon to fall upon it, so I'd like to get the MOST out of each coming wave of figures, comic packs and play sets...figures included.
Yeah I'll just make Destro stand. VH why do you roll your eyes at Destro? It's the same damn figure we already have but now with a crome dome. I'd rather we got someone else but Roadblock is the true loser of the set. He's the exact same one we already have, no changes. They should of given us that lil' hussy Lou-anne from the mini series instead! She was hot!
I like that Lady Jaye too.
I wish the Weather Dominator had a seat with it. Destro looks kinda weird sitting on an invisible seat.
What a major DIFFERENCE in the appearances of the two Lady Jaye figures, with paint apps and a different head sculpt being the only thing they changed.
Whoever is doing some of the newer head sculpts needs to keep it up. Whoever did the likes of the LJ (w/hat) and Roadblock (boo boo baby fricken face) needs to get the the a$$....preferably!
This LJ...ROCK and RULES!!
Destro on the other hand.....