In 1979, prototypes for 3 ¾” action figures for the ALIEN film were developed but never manufactured. Through our network of industry and collector contacts, Super7 has unearthed the original 33-year-old prototypes and will utilize these to help make these “lost toys” a reality.
With official authorization from 20th Century Fox, Super7 will produce the full series of ALIEN toys as part of our REACTION Figure Series (Retro-Action.) REACTION Figures are stylized exactly as items from the “golden age” of action figures with approximately five points of articulation, accessories, and period-authentic blister card packaging.
The original line up of 3 ¾” action figures for the ALIEN were scheduled to be RIPLEY, ASH, DALLAS, KANE in NOSTROMO SUIT, and the BIG CHAP (the nickname used on-set for the ALIEN creature).
Other ALIEN & ALIENS merchandise will follow, including Designer Vinyl Figures and retro-styled Glassware! Please visit Super7’s booth (#4729) at the San Diego Comic Con for teasers of what is to come in 2013!
Prototype images shown; Reaction Figure designs pending final licensor approval. Alien TM & © Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation All Rights Reserved. ReAction Figures © 2012 Super7
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