Greetings SourceFans!
Great news - our shipment of
PE-12 - Perfect Effect - AFX Assault Force X - Camera Set will include the bonus mini-camera and will be shipping out this week as well as
DOTM - APS-01 - Striker Optimus Prime - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive. Both
MP-12 Masterpiece Sideswipe/Lambor and
Toyworld Grind Rod are instock, so if you didn't preorder, make sure to order today! We've also received a restock of
Hasbro Transformers Prime - First Edition and many other Prime figures.
Click here to see all of the Transformers Prime goodness! We have a
new Source Review, and Source Article on our blog, make sure to check it out! All this and more.. in this week's SourceNews!
In this issue of SourceNews:
1. Masterpiece MP-12 Sideswipe now instock!
2. Now up for preorder: Asia exclusive Henkei Seeker Jet Set Elite: Ramjet, Thrust and Dirge!
3. TFC Toys Project Uranos SR-71 Blackbird - now up for preorder at TFsource!
4. Transformers Prime Instock and Restock!
5. PE-12 Assault Force Camera Set and APS-01 - Striker Optimus Prime Shipping out this week!
6. Toyworld Grind Rod instock!
7. Now Instock - Reissue Commemorative Optimus Prime and Soundwave!
8. Now in stock: GDO Leader class Ironhide & Starscream!
9. Now up for preorder: Fansproject's Crossfire 02 - Colossus Set!
10. Now instock: KM-05 Screecher!
11. Now up for preorder - Fansproject Assaulter!
12. Encore #23 Fortress Maximus - Now up for Preorder!
13. Now up for preorder: Transformers X Optimus Prime Super GT1 & GT2!
14. Japanese Transformers Generations - Fall of Cybertron - New Preorders!
15. Encore #20A Anime Devastator - Now up for Preorder!
16. FP-DX Armored Battalion - Set of 3 - Limited Edition Holiday Exclusive by Fansproject - Preorder up @TFsource!
17. Source Blog Updates!
18. Newest Instock items at TFsource
19. Newest Preorder items at TFsource
1. Masterpiece MP-12 Sideswipe now instock!
He's been instock for a couple of days now and we've been busy shipping out orders! The reviews for him so far are fantastic, be sure to order your MP-12 Masterpiece Sideswipe at TFsource as he's going fast:
Masterpiece MP-12 Sideswipe
Who is excited for our first Masterpiece Cassettes? MP-15 Ravage and Rumble, MP-16 Frenzy & Buzzsaw and MP-10B Black Version Masterpiece Prime Preorders up! Order yours at TFSource here:

New Masterpiece Preorders @TFsource!
2. Now up for preorder: Asia exclusive Henkei Seeker Jet Set Elite: Ramjet, Thrust and Dirge!
Due out in late Dec/early Jan preorder this set for just $129.95 from TFSource! Goes great with Seeker Jet Set Ace! Preorder yours here:
Asia exclusive Henkei Seeker Jet Set Elite: Ramjet, Thrust and Dirge!
Also up for preorder: Asia Exclusive Deluxe Seeker Set Ace! Features all 3 Seeker Jets, Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp with metallic finish and new packaging! Preorder all 3 at TFsource for $129.95 here:
Henkei Classics - Seeker Jet Set Ace - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive!
3. TFC Toys Project Uranos SR-71 Blackbird - now up for preorder at TFsource!
To answer a popular question: Yes SR-71 Blackbird will include X-45 Phantom Ray! Once we have a better picture of Phantom Ray we'll add it! Preorder yours here:
SR-71 Blackbird - including X-45 Phantom Ray
4. Transformers Prime Instock and Restock!
Hasbro Transformers Prime - First Edition now back instock! Many greats such as First Edition Bulkhead, Prime and Vehicon are all instock! Order yours at TFsource here:
TFsource - Your Source for Hasbro Transformers Prime - First Edition
Transformers Prime Restock! We bave restocked AM-12 Breakdown and AM-16 Jet Vehicon! These pieces are long ago sold out in Japan, we managed to get the final stock on these guys. Also we will be restocking the AMW figures within a week! Order yours here:
Japanese Transformers Prime Restock!
5. PE-12 Assault Force Camera Set and APS-01 - Striker Optimus Prime Shipping out this week!
Great news - our shipment of PE-12 Assault Force Camera Set will include the bonus mini-camera! This set will be shipping out this week, along with
DOTM - APS-01 - Striker Optimus Prime - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive! Preorder yours at TFSource here:
PE-12 - Perfect Effect - AFX Assault Force X - Camera Set
DOTM - APS-01 - Striker Optimus Prime - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive!
6. Toyworld Grind Rod instock!
This figure has been instock for about a week now, and the coloring is a deeper green than the photography. We have received confirmation from Toy World that once all the TW-T0 Figures are released, the final figure will contain all the parts to make them combine!
TW-T01 Grind Rod
7. Now Instock - Reissue Commemorative Optimus Prime and Soundwave!
Now instock Reissue Optimus Prime - Restock!
Who couldn't use a minty fresh G1 Optimus Prime right now? Preorders are shipping out, order yours today at TFsource here:
Reissue Commemorative Series Optimus Prime!
Also Restocked - Reissue Commemorative Soundwave! We neglected to update this one, but always a great G1 figure to have, order yours for just $59.95 at TFsource here:
Reissue Commemorative Soundwave
8. Now in stock: GDO Leader class Ironhide & Starscream!
These figures are asia exclusive but rumored to be released in the US as well. Due to this TFSource has a limited amount instock, and order both and get combo pricing! Order yours here:

GDO Leader Class Figures Instock at TFSource!
Also available for preorder is
DOTM - Leader Class - Dark Energon Megatron - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive! This recolor of the ROTF Leader Class Megatron brings dark energon to the battle! Preorder yours at TFSource here:
DOTM Leader Class Dark Energon Megatron
9. Now up for preorder: Fansproject's Crossfire 02 - Colossus Set!
Features a recolor of the Crossfire 02, custom colored to go with the Asia Exclusive Bruticus! Best of all with TFSource combo pricing save $20 when you preorder both! Preorder yours at TFSource here:
Crossfire 02 - Colossus Set - Munitioner and Explorer - by Fansproject
10. Now instock: KM-05 Screecher!
The latest custom figure from Mastermind Creations has just arrived in our warehouse and it looks great! Preorders are being processed, if you haven't ordered yet order yours here:
KM-05 Knight Morpher Screecher
Mastermind Creations - KM-03 Cyclops Preorder UP! The second wave will have improvements to the molding and be released in January. If you previously canceled your preorder and want to reinstate it just email [email">[/email">. If you missed out and want the second wave preorder yours here:
KM-03 Knight Morpher Cyclops - with Bonus Mini Sub
11. Now up for preorder - Fansproject Assaulter!
Add this 3rd Warbot figure to your collection. Set for a November release, preorder yours at TFsource here:
Warbot - WB003 - Assaulter - by Fansproject
12. Encore #23 Fortress Maximus - Now up for Preorder!
Don't forget to preorder your Encore Fortress Maximus and get free shipping within the US when ordering from TFsource since this big guy is over $150! International shipping is reduced as well, preorder yours here:
Encore #23 - Fortress Maximus!
13. Now up for preorder: Transformers X Optimus Prime Super GT1 & GT2!
This new line of Transformers X from Takara Tomy includes Convoy figure as a Super GT racing car! Note: Picture is of a prototype, actual figure will vary. We've updated our facebook page with promo photos of others in the GT-R line including GT-R Optimus Prime Convoy, GT-R Saber (Blue), GT-R Maximus (Green)! Preorder the GT line's Optimus Prime at TFSource here:
Transformers X - Optimus Prime - Super GT1 & GT2!
14. Japanese Transformers Generations - Fall of Cybertron - New Preorders!
Now up for preorder: TG13 Soundwave and TG14 Soundblaster! Japanese Transformers Generations Update! TG13 is confirmed to be Soundwave with Laserbeak, and TG14 is Soundblaster with Buzzsaw! Preorders up now along with many other great Japanese Generations figures here:
Transformers Generations Japan - TG13 Fall of Cybertron - Soundwave
Transformers Generations Japan - TG14 Fall of Cybertron - Soundblaster
Now up for preorder - Japanese Transformers Generations - Fall of Cybertron figures!
Kickback, Starscream, Sideswipe, Ultra Magnus & Fireflight! All figures images are placeholders until official images from Takara Tomy are released. Preorder yours at TFsource here:

TFsource - Your Source for Japanese Transformers Generations - Fall of Cybertron Figures!
15. Encore #20A Anime Devastator - Now up for Preorder!
Encore #20A is officially Anime version Devastator! Includes an all new more anime like head style as well as all new colors! What do you think of the change in direction to an anime version by Takara/Tomy? Preorder yours at TFsource here:
Encore #20A - Constructicons Devastator - Anime Color Version!
16. FP-DX Armored Battalion - Set of 3 - Limited Edition Holiday Exclusive by Fansproject - Preorder up @TFsource!
This limited edition set is now up for preorder, will ship out during the 2012 holidays - We're about 70-75% pre-sold through of what we'll receive of this set, once they're gone that's it! New photos added! Preorder yours here:
FP-DX Armored Battalion - Set of 3 - Limited Edition Holiday Exclusive
FP-DX Armored Battalion Set of 3
17. Source Blog Updates!
The legend of the Diaclone & G1 variant Police cars explored! Bad boys bad boys, whatcha gonna do.. Black & White | Source Blog
New Source Interview! Long time US collector Mike Castaneda shows off his G1, Diaclone and newer toylines Collector Interview 05 – Mike Castaneda | Source Blog
New Source Review Up! Philip of Battlegrip has posted a new Source Review on iGear's UFO figure here:! Be sure to check out his new review, lots of great photos and comparisons of this piece. Instock now now, order yours at TFsource here:
TFSource Review – iGear’s Mini-Warrior UFO | Source Blog
18. Newest Instock items at TFsource

MP-12 - Masterpiece Sideswipe

TW-T01 Grind Rod

Reissue Commemorative Series Optimus Prime!

Reissue Commemorative Soundwave

GDO Leader Class Ironhide

GDO Leader Class Starscream

KM-05 Knight Morpher Screecher

TFC Toys - Camerabot - Photron

iGear - MW-04 Mini Warrior - UFO

MW02B - Mini Warrior Black Rager!

BTS-05 Summer Sun Exclusives - Sunbite & Solar Flare - Color Change Exclusives!

Dream Maker - WFC-02 - Meg Add On Kit

Dream Maker - WFC-01 - Op Add On Kit

Kabaya Assortment Fortress Maximus DX - Candy Toys - Full Set!

MP-11S - Masterpiece Sunstorm

iGear - PP05M - Medical Specialist

Reissue - Asia Exclusive Limited Edition Sixshot - Metallic Color Redeco!

Japanese Transformers Prime - AM-01 - Exclusive Battle Shield Optimus Prime
19. Newest Preorder items at TFsource

SR-71 Blackbird - including X-45 Phantom Ray

Asia exclusive Henkei Seeker Jet Set Elite: Ramjet, Thrust and Dirge!

Henkei Classics - Seeker Jet Set Ace - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive!

Crossfire 02 - Colossus Set - Munitioner and Explorer - by Fansproject

Transformers Generations Japan - TG13 Fall of Cybertron - Soundwave

Transformers Generations Japan - TG14 Fall of Cybertron - Soundblaster

Make Toys - Green Giant - Set of 6 Pieces

Warbot - WB003 - Assaulter - by Fansproject

Encore #23 - Fortress Maximus!

Encore #20A - Constructicons Devastator - Anime Color Version!

Asia Exclusive Henkei Ultra Magnus

MP-16 - Masterpiece Rumble & Buzzsaw

MP-15 - Masterpiece Ravage & Frenzy

MP-10B - Masterpiece Black Convoy - Optimus Prime

Studio Beelzeboss - Generations Red Alert & Classics Sideswipe Kit

Revoltech - Sci-Fi #040 - Optimus Prime

Kabaya Dai Atlas Assortment 6 - Candy Toys Assorted Box of 8 Figures

TFC Toys - Project Uranos - F4 Phantom

TFC Toys - Project Uranos - Eagle

KM Airborn Squad Awakening

Asia Exclusive Bruticus Maximus

KM-03X Mirrorverse Cyclops - Limited Edition Holiday Exclusive!

e-hobby - Shattered Glass - Soundwave vs. Blaster Giftset with Cassettes!

Japanese Generations Bruticus

FP-DX Armored Battalion Set of 3

DOTM - APS-01 - Striker Optimus Prime - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive!

PE-12 - Perfect Effect - AFX Assault Force X - Camera Set!

KM-06 Knight Morpher Stormer

KM-07 Knight Morpher Warper

MP-13 - Masterpiece Soundwave

MP-14 - Masterpiece Red Alert

DOTM Leader Class Dark Energon Megatron
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