TFsource 3-3 Weekly SourceNews! Revolver and MP-12G Instock!

by Jay Cochran
March 3, 2014
Greetings Sourcefans!
This week we have new instock items like Fansproject - Warbot - WB0004 Revolver, MP-12G - Masterpiece G2 Sideswipe, Generations Whirl and Rhinox, and the final restock of Fansproject - Causality CA-13 Diesel & M3 Crossfire Set, and Fansproject - Function X-2: Quadruple-U. We have new preorders up for MECH iDEAS Gauntlet and Piston, e-hobby - Transformers Cloud - Brawn, e-hobby - Transformers Cloud - Starscream, Unique Toys - Mania King - Messiah, Make Toys - Manga Mech Series - Trash-Talk & Cogwheel - Set of 2 Figures, Make Toys - M.F.B. - My First Blaster, Make Toys - Armageddon - Add-on Kit, Henkei Classics - Autobot Warriors - Ratchet Kup Perceptor 3-Pack, and New Transformers Generations Legends Figures! Check out the Source Blog for our latest Source Articles, Reviews and Interviews! All this and more... in this week's SourceNews!

In this issue of SourceNews:

1. Fansproject Revolver Instock, Diesel and Quadruple-U Restocked!
2. Masterpiece Updates! MP-12G G2 Sideswipe Instock!
3. 3rd Party Customs Update! MECH iDEAS Gauntlet and Piston Now up for Preorder!
4. New Make Toys Preorders!
5. Mania King back up for Preorder!
6. Transformers Cloud - Brawn & Starscream - Preorders Up!
7. Transformers Generations New Instock and Preorders!
8. Now up for Preorder - Fanstoys Scoria!
9. Updates!
10. Now up for Preorder - Japanese Generations Exclusives Thundercracker and Fireblast Grimlock!
11. Now up for preorder - Henkei Autobot Warriors 3 pack: Kup, Ratchet & Perceptor!
12. MMC Fortis Now Instock! Dazzling Glory Add-0n Restocked!
13. Warbotron - Up for Preorder!
14. Source Blog Updates!
15. Newest Preorder items at TFsource
16. Newest Instock items at TFsource

1. Fansproject Revolver Instock, Diesel and Quadruple-U Restocked!
We've started processing orders and preorders will be shipping out! Order yours at TFSource here:

Fansproject - Warbot - WB0004 Revolver
We have now available for sale a Fansproject - Causality M3 Crossfire Intimidator - Full Set of 5! This listing isn't for a giftset, but a complete set of all five figures! It's at a slight discount compared to the individual listings and get FREE US shipping/reduced international shipping in checkout! Order at TFsource here:

Fansproject - Causality M3 Crossfire Intimidator - Full Set of 5
Fansproject Restock - Causality CA-13 Diesel and Quadruple-U! Fansproject Restock! We have received the final stock of Diesel, as well as Quadruple-U - instock now at TFSource:

Fansproject - Causality CA-13 Diesel & M3 Crossfire Set

Fansproject - Function X-2: Quadruple-U

2. Masterpiece Updates! MP-12G G2 Sideswipe Instock!
Now instock - MP-12G G2 Masterpiece Sideswipe! This piece looks really great in person, and the g2 logos/etc. are all from a sticker sheet, so if you prefer his clean black and red color scheme you don't have to apply them! We're working on processing and shipping out all preorders! Order yours at TFsource here:

MP-12G - Masterpiece G2 Sideswipe
Now Up for Preorder - MP-18 - Masterpiece Bluestreak - Exclusive Edition! This is a limited edition MP-18 Bluestreak Exclusive figure. Colors are unknown at this time, but will be updated once revealed. Preorder here:

MP-18 - Masterpiece Bluestreak - Exclusive Edition
Now instock - MP-08 Masterpiece Grimlock reissue! $199.95 + FREE US SHIPPING on this big guy! International customers also get reduced shipping costs. Includes bonus Flame Sword add-on, crown and collector's coin! Order yours at TFsource here:

MP-08 Masterpiece Grimlock - Asia Exclusive with Flame Sword & Crown Coin
Now up for preorder - MP-14 Masterpiece Red Alert - 2nd Production Run! No info if this piece will vary from the first at all, most likely it will be the same. Available late in 2014! Preorder yours at TFsource here:

MP-14 - Masterpiece Red Alert - 2nd Production Run
MP-20 Wheeljack Up for Preorder! For only $7 more, you can get him with a collector's coin and Anti-Hypnosis Device. Preorder either version at TFSource by clicking the links below:

MP-20 - Masterpiece Wheeljack

MP-20 - Masterpiece Wheeljack - with coin and Anti-Hypnosis Device
Now back up for preorder - MP-12 Masterpiece Sideswipe - 2nd Production Run! Unlike all the unsubstantiated preorders that were listed prior by other sites for a 2nd run of MP-12 Sideswipe that didn't exist, this one is confirmed, and back up for the original preorder price of $79.99! Plus this version is supposed to fix many of the QC issues associated with the first. Due out in March/April - preorder yours today! Preorder yours at TFsource here:

MP-12 - Masterpiece Sideswipe - Lambor - 2nd Production Run
Now Instock - Masterpiece MP-19 Smokescreen! Order here:

MP-19 - Masterpiece Smokescreen
Check out these other Masterpiece figures also now instock:

MP-13 - Masterpiece Soundwave - 2nd Production Run

MP-17 - Masterpiece Prowl

MP-18 - Masterpiece Bluestreak

MP-10B - Masterpiece Black Convoy - Optimus Prime
MP-11 Masterpiece Coronation Starscream Now up for Preorder! We have opened back up preorders for the extremely popular MP-11 Masterpiece Coronation Starscream! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

MP-11 - Masterpiece Starscream - Coronation Set - Asia Exclusive Reissue
MP-13B Soundblaster Preorder Update! News from Japan - supposedly MP-13B Soundblaster will include a chest panel in both purple and red so you can display him cartoon accurate or toy accurate! Preorder yours at TFsource here:

Masterpiece MP-13B Soundblaster & Ratbat
Preorders for MP-22 - Masterpiece Ultra Magnus - With Perfect Edition Trailer are now live! Note: Pricing is not finalized and is estimated, if pricing is reduced at a later date all preorders will reflect the updated pricing so there is no risk in preordering! Additionally all information is tentative, once final product photos and pricing is available we will update the listing to reflect this. Preorder yours today!

MP-22 - Masterpiece Ultra Magnus - with Perfect Edition Trailer

3. 3rd Party Customs Update! MECH iDEAS Gauntlet and Piston Now up for Preorder!
Resurrected from the dead - MECH iDEAS Gauntlet and Piston are reborn at very affordable price points! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

MECH iDEAS - Demolition Crue DC03 - Gauntlet

MECH iDEAS - Demolition Crue DC03P - Piston
3rd Party Restock! We have restocked both the popular DMY Superion Add-on kits and the X2 Toys Trailcutter/Hoist kits! Both of these sold out right away when we got them in last time. To be clear, the DMY kits are for the Superion + Fansproject Superion Add-on Kit, the X2 toys set is made for the Japanese Generations set, but also works great with the US generations figures! Order yours here:

X2 Toys - XT003 Japanese Trailbreaker & Hoist - Metallic Edition - Add on Kit

DMY Studios - D-02 - Snowman Aerial Team Add-on - Upgrade Kit

DMY Studios - D-02 - Aerial Team Add-on - Upgrade Kit
Now instock - Transformazing Toys Pandora's Box sets! Buy both sets together and save with TFSource Combo pricing! If you haven't seen these sets in person yet, they're great quality and design, we think this new 3rd party company should have some excellent offerings in the future so check them out. Order yours at TFSource here:

Transformazing Toys - PB-01 Pandora's Box Add-on Set

Transformazing Toys - PB-02 Pandora's Box Add-on Set
Now Instock - Xtransbots - MM-1 Krank & MM-2 Stax! We have limited quantity of the sets remaining, which include the bonus collector's coin not available with the single pieces. Order here:

Xtransbots - MM-1 Krank & MM-2 Stax Set of 2

Xtransbots - MM-I Krank
Now up for preorder - Dr. Wu Soul Eater - Scythe! Scaled to work with Voyager figures. Preorder yours a TFSource here:

DR Wu - DW-P20 - Soul Eater - Scythe
Now up for preorder - Dr. Wu's Club of Wisdom! Includes both his club and gun, this set should be out soon! Preorder yours at TFsource here:

DR Wu - DW-P18 - Club of Wisdom
Now up for preorder - TFC Toys Phlogeus! The next member of Project Ares - this figure combines with Nemean and his brethren to form the mighty Project Ares! We also looked up the name, seems Phlogeus was an immortal horse from Greek mythology. Preorder yours at TFsource here:

TFC Toys - Project Ares - Phlogeus
TFC's Prometheus Combiner - Gumball - Preorder Up! Preorders are up for TFC's Prometheus combiner 1st figure - Gumball! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

TFC Toys - Prometheus - Gumball
Now up for preorder - Mega Steel's M-03 Radio! Stands 18CM/7" tall (voyager size) and is made from ABS with die-cast parts! Due out in April, preorder yours today!

Mega Steel - MS-03 - Radio

4. New Make Toys Preorders!
Now up for preorder - Make Toys Trash-Talk and Cogwheel + M.F.B.! Preorder yours at TFsource here:

Make Toys - Manga Mech Series - Trash-Talk & Cogwheel - Set of 2 Figures

Make Toys - M.F.B. - My First Blaster
Keep in mind with all Make Toys product there will be limited stock so we recommend preordering early!
Also up for preorder - Make toys Armageddon Kit! Preorder yours at TFsource here:

Make Toys - Armageddon - Add-on Kit
We also have some limited stock of the Platinum Omega Supreme that will be available as well:

Platinum Series - Fall of Cybertron Omega Supreme - Year of the Snake Edition
For those that don't have the Omega yet, you can preorder both together. The Armageddon add-on kit is quite large and comes with a lot of pieces to upgrade your Omega Supreme!

5. Mania King back up for Preorder!
We've just put up a preorder for Mania King - this will be the final restock so don't miss out! This piece sold out almost immediately upon getting it instock, and Unique Toys says there are no plans for a second run. Preorder yours here:

Unique Toys - Mania King - Messiah
Now Instock - Unique Toys Sharp Claw! The box for this guy is massive, and includes all the add on weaponry and wings to form War Leo. Preorders are being processed, order yours at TFSource here:

Unique Toys - War Lord - UT-W05 War Leo - Sharp Claw
Now up for preorder - Unique Toys Soundmixer! Fully transformable, figure stands 17CM/6.7" tall, approximately the same height as MP-17. Soundmixer's weapon parts actually become a cassette! Scheduled for release in March! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

Unique Toys - Soundmixer
Now instock - Unique Toys Sharky! Start building your Sharky army today! Order at TFSource here:

Unique Toys G02 - Sharky - Set of 3!
Check out TFSource Sponsored Reviewer' Peaugh's Sharky Review here: Unique Toys G02 - Sharky Set of 3 | Source Review

6. Transformers Cloud - Brawn & Starscream - Preorders Up!
Now up for Preorder - Transformers Cloud Brawn & Starscream! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

e-hobby - Transformers Cloud - Brawn

e-hobby - Transformers Cloud - Starscream

7. Transformers Generations New Instock and Preorders!
Now up for preorder - Generations Legends Cosmos, Swerve, Shrapnel & Tailgate! After much speculation on what happened to this line Hasbro confirmed a May release for these highly anticipated smaller scale figures! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

Transformers 2014 - Generations Legends Series 01 - Set of 2 Figures - Cosmos & Swerve

Transformers 2014 - Generations Legends Series 02 - Set of 2 Figures - Shrapnel and Tailgate
Now back instock - Generations Whirl & Rhinox! Available here at TFSource:

Transformers 2014 - Generations Series 02 - Voyager Class Whirl

Transformers 2014 - Generations Voyager Class - Wave 01 - Rhinox

8. Now up for Preorder - Fanstoys Scoria!
Wow, check out the test shot photos of Fanstoys Scoria! Available for preorder at TFSource here:

FansToys FT-04 Scoria

9. Updates!
Now up for preorder - S.H. Figuarts Imperialdramon! Imperialdramon joins the S.H.Figuarts series, replete with Positron Laser and Giga Death (as seen in movie) weapon accessories! The dragon-like Digimon has been replicated faithfully to its onscreen appearance, with perfect proportions and special gimmick features only possible with an advanced action figure from Tamashii Nations. In addition to its weapon accessories, Imperialdramon includes two sets of interchangeable hands and a special display stand to hold the figure in dynamic action poses. Available only as a Tamashii Web Shop exclusive in Japan, there will be limited supply of this figure available in the US! Preorder yours at theToySource here:

S.H. Figuarts - Digimon - Imperialdramon - Fighter Mode
We've added some vintage MISB & MIB GIJOE ARAH vehicles to the site! Be sure to check out the pictures on each to see the condition of the package! Check them out here: - Your Source for GIJoe!
Now Instock - Hot Toys - Man of Steel - One Sixth Scale - Superman! Includes free US shipping/reduced international shipping! Order here:

Hot Toys - Man of Steel - One Sixth Scale - Superman
New preorder up! Medicom Toys Attack on Titan Real Action Heroes - Levi! This highly detailed figure features 3 interchangeable facial expressions, bangs and the initial run will include exclusive exclusive cleaning hat, bandanna and dusters!! Effectively giving you two sets of clothes. Due out in December, preorder yours today and get FREE US shipping, reduced international shipping!Preorder yours here:

Real Action Heroes - Attack on Titan - Rah Levi
Vintage US & Japanese Sailor Moon Items Added! We've just added a bunch of vintage US & Japanese Sailor Moon items to the site here:

theToySource - Your Source for Vintage Sailor Moon figures!
More to come! Some of these items are quite rare, and almost never come up for sale. Both the US & Japanese vintage sailor moon items available, most with just 1 piece of each for sale!
Now instock: Star Wars - Black Series 3 - 3.75 Inches - Darth Plagueis! This highly sought after short print figure is the one everyone has been hunting for! We have this hard to find figure at $24.95! Order yours at theToySource here:

Star Wars - Black Series 3 - 3.75 Inches - Darth Plagueis
These just in: GIJOE Subscription figures Admiral Keel Haul and Bombardier! Instock now - Order yours here:

theToySource - Your Source for GIJOE Subscription Figures!
We've just added nearly 20 new Bandai Preorders at theToySource! See them all here: Bandai. From Dragonball Z, to Saint Seiya, even Hello Kitty!

theToySource - Your Source for Bandai Collectibles!

10. Now up for Preorder - Japanese Generations Exclusives Thundercracker and Fireblast Grimlock!
New Preorder up - Exclusive Thundercracker and Fireblast Grimlock! Set for a March/April release! Preorder yours at TFsource here:

Japanese Generations - Thundercracker Exclusive

Japanese Generations - Fireblast Grimlock Exclusive

11. Now up for preorder - Henkei Autobot Warriors 3 pack: Kup, Ratchet & Perceptor!
Now up for preorder - Henkei Autobot Warriors 3 pack: Kup, Ratchet & Perceptor! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

Henkei Classics - Autobot Warriors - Ratchet Kup Perceptor 3-Pack

12. MMC Fortis Now Instock! Dazzling Glory Add-0n Restocked!
TFsource Restock - Dazzling Glory Add-on Set for Hexatron! This set is quite affordable and a great way to add some bling to your Hexatron! Order yours at TFsource here:

Reformatted - R-01 - Terminus Hexatron - Dazzling Glory - Chromed Weapon Set
Now instock - Reformatted - R-05 - Fortis the Ground Assaulter! Order yours at TFsource here:

Reformatted - R-05 - Fortis the Ground Assaulter
Now back instock - MMC's R-03 Bovis! This is our final shipment of this popular figure so don't miss out! Order yours here:

Reformatted - R-03 - Bovis the Supply Specialist
Now up for preorder: MMC's Feral Con Leo Dux! Preorder yours here:

Reformatted - R-04 - Leo Dux the Squadron Commander

13. Warbotron - Up for Preorder!
The Mighty Warbotron is now up for Preorder! The figures will be released in this order: A, B, C, D, E. A & B are scheduled to be released in the same month, C & D the same month, but this doesn't mean at the same time and there always could be delays. We recommend using TFSource's Order Stacking to manage your preorders, or preordering in groups of 2 to take advantage of our FREE US shipping on orders over $150! Preorders up here:

TFsource - Your Source for great prices on Warbotron toys!

Warbotron - WB01B

Warbotron - WB01A

Warbotron - WB01D

Warbotron - WB01C

Warbotron - WB01E

14. Source Blog Updates!

NEW SOURCE ARTICLE! Which TF would you choose to represent a whole toy-line? Our contributors give their choices Source Blog | Ambassadors Part 1
NEW SOURCE ARTICLE! Part 2 of the Obtainable Holy Grail! Read on here: Source Blog | The Obtainable Holy Grail – Part 2
NEW SOURCE INTERVIEW! We didn't expect to find a serious G1/Diaclone collector in Spain. Here's Alberto to prove us wrong! Collector Interview | Alberto Jimenez
NEW SOURCE REVIEW! Check out TFsource Sponsored Reviewer Peaugh's review of Mania King here: Unique Toys - Mania King - Messiah. Scroll down the page to watch the video review on TFsource!

15. Newest Preorder items at TFsource

MECH iDEAS - Demolition Crue DC03 - Gauntlet

MECH iDEAS - Demolition Crue DC03P - Piston

Unique Toys - Mania King - Messiah

e-hobby - Transformers Cloud - Brawn

e-hobby - Transformers Cloud - Starscream

Make Toys - Manga Mech Series - Trash-Talk & Cogwheel - Set of 2 Figures

Make Toys - M.F.B. - My First Blaster

Make Toys - Armageddon - Add-on Kit

Platinum Series - Fall of Cybertron Omega Supreme - Year of the Snake Edition

Henkei Classics - Autobot Warriors - Ratchet Kup Perceptor 3-Pack

DR Wu - DW-P20 - Soul Eater - Scythe

Japanese Generations - Thundercracker Exclusive

Japanese Generations - Fireblast Grimlock Exclusive

Ultimetal - Transformers Optimus Prime - 17'' Figure

MP-18 - Masterpiece Bluestreak - Exclusive Edition

FansToys FT-04 Scoria

MP-14 - Masterpiece Red Alert - 2nd Production Run

MP-20 - Masterpiece Wheeljack

MP-20 - Masterpiece Wheeljack - with coin and Anti-Hypnosis Device

DR Wu - DW-P18 - Club of Wisdom

Transformers 2014 - Generations Series 03 - Deluxe - Set of 3 Figures

Bullsfire - DB-01 Air Strike

Xtransbots - BEK-01TK - Boosticus Add-on Kit - for Takara Bruticus

Mega Steel - MS-03 - Radio

TFC Toys - Project Ares - Phlogeus

TFC Toys - Prometheus - Gumball

MP-12 - Masterpiece Sideswipe - Lambor - 2nd Production Run

X2 Toys - XT004 Interceptor Kit - Add on Transforming Gun for Titan Metroplex

Unique Toys - Soundmixer

AFT Toys - AFT-07 Titanium Saint

MP-11 - Masterpiece Starscream - Coronation Set - Asia Exclusive Reissue

e-hobby - Transformers Cloud - Optimus Prime

e-hobby - Transformers Cloud - Megatron

Warbotron - WB01B

Warbotron - WB01A

Warbotron - WB01D

Warbotron - WB01C

Warbotron - WB01E

Voltron - 30th Anniversary Die-Cast Light-Up Set - with Sound and Stand

G-07 - Punishment - Add on Kit

Xovergen - TF-01B - Trailer Force - Black Nemesis Version

Cubex - Ancestor Rebuilder Series 01 - Engineer Huff

Transformers Go - G25 - Black Lio Prime

Transformers Go - G26 - Optimus Prime EX Triple Changer

DaCaToys - Kronos

Transformers Generations Japan - TG33 Armada Starscream

Transformers Generations Japan - TG32 Minicon Set

MP-22 - Masterpiece Ultra Magnus - with Perfect Edition Trailer

BTS-06 - Nova Lord

KFC - CST-D01 & CTS-D02 Set of Haymaker & Overslay

Dreamworks Toy Factory - Bulkhead - Blast Cannon Weapon - Clear Purple Version

Masterpiece MP-13B Soundblaster & Ratbat

Million Publishing's Infiltrator Starscream

MP-20 - Masterpiece Wheeljack

MP-21 - Masterpiece Bumblebee

Reformatted - R-02 - Talon the Aerial Assaulter!

Reformatted - R-04 - Leo Dux the Squadron Commander

16. Newest Instock items at TFsource

Fansproject - Warbot - WB0004 Revolver

Fansproject - Causality CA-13 Diesel & M3 Crossfire Set

Fansproject - Function X-2: Quadruple-U

Transformers 2014 - Generations Series 02 - Voyager Class Whirl

Transformers 2014 - Generations Voyager Class - Wave 01 - Rhinox

MP-12G - Masterpiece G2 Sideswipe

DMY Studios - D-02 - Snowman Aerial Team Add-on - Upgrade Kit

DMY Studios - D-02 - Aerial Team Add-on - Upgrade Kit

X2 Toys - XT003 Japanese Trailbreaker & Hoist - Metallic Edition - Add on Kit

Transformazing Toys - PB-01 Pandora's Box Add-on Set

Transformazing Toys - PB-02 Pandora's Box Add-on Set


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