TFsource 12-1 Weekly SourceNews! Black Friday Sale Final Day! Happy Cyber Monday Sourcefans!

by Jay Cochran
December 1, 2014
TFsource 12-1 Weekly SourceNews! Black Friday Sale Final Day!
Happy Cyber Monday Sourcefans!

Today is the last day to take advantage of the TFsource Black Friday Sale! Lots of great items from KFC, MP King Grimlock, select 3rd party and more. Don't forget that for each $150 you spend on Black Friday items, you get a $10 TFSource Gift Certificate! This week have new instock items like Iron Factory - IF-EX02 Slammer & Scamp Set, TFC Toys - Prometheus - Hydrant, Sentinel - Megadrive Megatron, MP-14 - Masterpiece Red Alert - 2nd Production Run, ToyWorld - TW-D01 Roar, and ToyWorld - TW-H04G Grant! We also have new preorders like MP-21 - Masterpiece Bumblebee - with Coin & Battle Mask, TW-H04 Infinitor, Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon, CDMW-39 - The King's Power Parts - Plated Wing Upgrade for Feral Rex, a limited restock of Make Toys - Green Giant, as well as new Hasbro Platinum Sets and Generation 2014 sets. Visit the Source Blog for our latest Source Articles, Interviews! And Visit our sister site for non-transformers collectibles! All this and more in this week's SourceNews!

In this issue of SourceNews:
1. TFsource Black Friday Sale Continues - Final Day!
2. Now Instock - Iron Factory - IF-EX02 Slammer & Scamp Set!
3. Now instock - TFC's Hydrant figure!
4. Now Instock - Sentinel - Megadrive Megatron!
5. Now back up for Preorder - MP-21 Masterpiece Bumblebee with Battle Mask!
6. Microblaze Creations MBC002 Military Titans Releasing Soon!
7. Back up for preorder - Make toys Green Giant!
8. New ToyWorld Preorders Up!
9. New MMC Preorders and Instock Items!
10. New 3rd Party Preorders up!
11. New preorder up - O-02 Alberich!
12. New Hasbro Platinum and Generations Preorders Up!
13. New Transformers Asia Exclusive Preorders Up!
14. New Preorder up - KFC's Transistor & HiFi!
15. theToySource Updates!
16. Source Blog Updates!
17. Newest Preorder items at TFsource
18. Newest Instock items at TFsource

1. TFsource Black Friday Sale Continues - Final Day!

Today is the last day to take advantage of the TFsource Black Friday Sale! Lots of great items from KFC, MP King Grimlock, select 3rd party and more. Don't forget that we have a bonus for this year! For each $150 you spend on Black Friday items, you get a $10 TFSource Gift Certificate! Gift Certificates will be sent after sale is over to all orders that qualify. Sale ends Monday, Dec. 1st.
Here are a few of the items on sale:

MP-08X Masterpiece King Grimlock - with Throne Accessory - Was: $279.95 - Now: $199.99

KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Three: A - Citizen Stack - Was: $184.95 - Now: $119.99

KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Three: B - Dai Stack - Was: $159.99 - Now: $99.99

Before and After - Six Sigma - Japanese Version - Red Arms - Was: $82.99 - Now: $69.99

KM-06 Knight Morpher Stormer - Was: $89.95 - Now: $49.99

Transformers Generations 2013 Voyager Class - Wave 03 - Springer - Was: $24.99 - Now: $14.99

Transformers 4 - Lost Age - AD01 - Optimus Prime - Was: $79.95 - Now: $59.99

TFcon 2014 Exclusive - Masterpiece Axis & Shafter Black Friday Set - Was: $229.90 - Now: $119.99
Save the dates! TFcon Toronto ? The world?s largest fan-run Transformers convention will take place July 17th to 19th, 2015. TFcon Toronto will return to the Delta Meadowvale Hotel and Conference Centre next summer. You can book your discounted hotel room via this link.

2. Now Instock - Iron Factory - IF-EX02 Slammer & Scamp Set!
Now Instock - Iron Factory - IF-EX02 Slammer & Scamp Set! Order yours here:

Iron Factory - IF-EX02 Slammer & Scamp Set

3. Now instock - TFC's Hydrant figure!
Now instock - TFC's Hydrant figure! Preorders are being processed to ship out, order yours at TFSource here:

TFC Toys - Prometheus - Hydrant
Now back instock - TFC's Star Cats series! Although not the same quality as the main line figures, these are a fraction of the cost and still look great when combined, instock at TFSource here:

TFsource - Your Source for TFC Star Cats Combiners!
Now instock - TFC's Project Ares Phobus! The mighty Ares can now be formed - order yours at TFSource here:

TFC Toys - Project Ares - TFC-05 Phobus

4. Now Instock - Sentinel - Megadrive Megatron!
Now Instock - Sentinel - Megadrive Megatron! Order yours here:

Sentinel - Megadrive Megatron

5. Now back up for Preorder - MP-21 Masterpiece Bumblebee with Battle Mask!
We've managed to secure a limited amount of additional MP-21 Bumblebee w/ Battle Mask! Preorders up here: If you ordered the regular version and want to upgrade to the version with mask, simply cancel and re-add from your stack, or email and our customer care team will be happy to help you out!

MP-21 - Masterpiece Bumblebee - with Coin & Battle Mask
Now Instock - MP-14 - Masterpiece Red Alert - 2nd Production Run! Order yours here:

MP-14 - Masterpiece Red Alert - 2nd Production Run
New preorder up - Limited edition exclusive Gold Version MP-05 Masterpiece Megatron! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

MP-05G Masterpiece Megatron - 30th Anniversary Exclusive - Gold Version
Not feeling the Gold version of MP-05 Megatron? How about the original? We have a very limited amount of stock of MP-05 Masterpiece megatron available here:

MP-05 Masterpiece Megatron
The highly anticipated MP-20 Masterpiece Wheeljack is now instock! Order yours here:

MP-20 Masterpiece Wheeljack
New preorders up - Dr. Wu MP-20 Wheeljack Add-ons! Preorders up here:

DR. Wu - DW-P22 Engineer set

DR. Wu - DW-P22E Ear & Face Set
Check out TJ's newest Source Gallery & Review of MP-20 Masterpiece Wheeljack on the Source blog here: Toy Review: Takara MP-20 Wheeljack | Source Blog
We've just listed a ton of Masterpiece Officially Licensed Sticker Sets! Update your MP collection with these, preorders up here:

Officially Licensed Masterpiece Sticker Sets

6. Microblaze Creations MBC002 Military Titans Releasing Soon!
We received an email from Microblaze Creations confirming that their Military Titans set will be released in about a week (in our warehouse and shipping out about a week later)! If you canceled due to the uncertainty feel free to re-add to your stack, as this set looks really impressive and isn't to be missed! Check out the review by Peaugh on our website here:

Microblaze Creations - MBC002 Military Titans with Bonus Parts

7. Back up for preorder - Make toys Green Giant!
We will have a very small amount of stock coming in December, reserve your preorder here:

Make Toys - Green Giant - Set of 6 Pieces
Make Toys Quantron Now Instock! Quantron stands 28CM/11" tall in combined mode and features five-Sci-Fi style vehicles. Order yours today!

Make Toys - MTCM-03 Quantron - Set of 5

8. New ToyWorld Preorders Up!
New preorder up - TW-D02 Muddy! The second in their dino-combiner series, preorder yours here:

ToyWorld - TW-D02 Muddy
Toyworld's new 3-changer Devilstar is up for preorder! If you saw this piece at our booth at TFcon it's extremely impressive preorder yours here:

ToyWorld - TW-06 Devilstar
Also up for preorder - the main release of this popular figure - Infinitor! Preorder yours at TFsource today:

ToyWorld - TW-H04 Infinitor
Now instock - Toyworld's Roar! This first of five figures that will form a massive dino-combiner is instock at TFSource here:

ToyWorld - TW-D01 Roar
Now Instock from ToyWorld - TW-H40G - Grant!

ToyWorld - TW-H04G Grant

9. New MMC Preorders and Instock Items!
Two New MMC Preorders Up - Eupatorium & Salvia Prominon! These two bots stand 5.5" tall and come with an arsenal of weaponry! Set for a Q1 2015 release preorders up at TFSource here:

Reformatted - R-09 - Eupatorium the Warrior

Reformatted - R-10 - Salvia Prominon the Saint
Now back up for preorder - MMC's Bovis - Reissue! MMC is planning a second release for the first figure in Q2 of 2015, so if you missed out preoder this rampaging bull at TFSource here:

Reformatted - R-03 - Bovis the Supply Specialist - Reissue
Now instock - MMC's Reformatted - R-08Z - Zinnia Parapax Medic! Order yours at TFSource here:

Reformatted - R-08Z - Zinnia Parapax Medic
Reformatted - R-08 - Azalea the Avenger - Now Instock! Instock now at TFSource here:

Reformatted - R-08 - Azalea the Avenger
New Source Review & Gallery - MMC's Azalea! Check it out on the Source Blog here:

10. New 3rd Party Preorders up!
New preorder up - Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon! Figure stands 24.5CM/9.6" tall - preorder yours at TFSource here:

Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon
New preorder up - DX9 D05 Chigurgh! 24CM/9.5" in size, this piece is set for a January 2015 release date, preorders up at TFsource here:

DX9 D05 - Chigurh
New preorder from DX9 Toys - D03 Invisible! Figure is approximately 16CM/6.3" tall in robot mode - preorder yours at TFSource here:

DX9 D03 - Invisible
New Preorder up - Crazy Devy Feral Rex Gold Plated Wings! Upgrade your Feral Rex with this wing add-on, preorders up at TFSource here:

CDMW-39 - The King's Power Parts - Plated Wing Upgrade for Feral Rex
Now instock - Professor Heisenbergs Royal Arsenal & Kings Claw Add-ons! Upgrade your Feral Rex today - available at TFSource here:

Professor Heisenberg - Royal Arsenal - Add-On Weapons Set for Feral Rex

Professor Heisenberg - King's Claw add-on kit for Feral Rex
New preorders up - SXS-R02 - Overlocking! Changes from futuristic car to robot and back, preorder yours at TFSource here:

SXS-R02 - Overlocking

11. New preorder up - O-02 Alberich!
New preorder up - O-02 Alberich! The second figure that combines to form Ordin is up for preorder at TFSource here:

Unique Toys - Ordin - O-02 Alberich
Now Instock - Unique toys New Combiner Ordine's first figure - Troll! When fully combined Ordine will stand ~37CM/15" tall and is scaled to be a similar size with MMC's Feral Rex as shown. Order yours at TFSource here:

Unique Toys - Ordin - O-01 Troll
Check out TFSource sponsored reviewer Peaugh 's new review of UT's Troll! Watch it on TFSource here: Unique Toys - Ordin - O-01 Troll

12. New Hasbro Platinum and Generations Preorders Up!
Now up for preorder - Hasbro Age of Extinction Platinum Breakout Battle and Autobots United 5 Pack! Order yours here:

Transformers Age of Extinction - Platinum Edition - Breakout Battle

Transformers Age of Extinction - Platinum Edition - Autobots United 5-Pack
New preorder up - TF4 Lost Age AD-32 Stinger! Preorders up here:

Transformers 4 - Lost Age - AD32 - Stinger
Also up for preorder - Generations 2014 Emergency Response Pack and Protectabots Evac Squad! Order yours here:

Transformers 2014 - Generations Emergency Response 3-Pack

Transformers 2014 - Generations Protectobots Evac Squad 2-Pack
AD31 Ultimate Power Mode Optimus Prime - Preorders UP! We've managed to secure some additional stock of AD-31 Ultimate Power Mode Optimus Prime which is now back up for preorder here:

Transformers 4 - Lost Age - AD31 - Ultimate Power Mode Optimus Prime

13. New Transformers Asia Exclusive Preorders Up!
New preoders up: MP-11SW Skywarp & APS-03 Barricade & Soundwave Set! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

MP-11SW - Masterpiece Skywarp

DOTM - APS-03 - Decepticon Barricade & Soundwave - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive

14. New Preorder up - KFC's Transistor & HiFi!
New preorder up - KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Four:A - Transistor & HiFi! Set includes a cassette, many bonus parts & can hold 3 KFC cassettes! Preorders up at TFSource here:

KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Four: A - Transistor & HiFi
New preorder up - KFC's Fader & Rover Set! No pictures of Rover yet, but you probably have some idea what he looks like Preorders up here:

KFC - CST-08 Fader & CST-09 Rover - Set of 2
New preorder up - KFC - KP-07B Posable Hands for MP-13B Soundblaster:

KFC - KP-07B Posable Hands for MP-13B Soundblaster
After much delay KFC's Overslay and Haymaker are now instock! Order at TFSource here:

KFC - CST-D01 & CTS-D02 Set of Haymaker & Overslay

15. theToySource Updates!
theToySource is also having a Black Friday Sale! Check out the sale items here:

theToySource Black Friday Sale
Now Available For Preorder: Dragonball Z - Figuarts ZERO EX - Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku! The item meticulously captures details such as Goku's battle damage, depticts brilliant battle effects, and even includes translucent Saiyan hair parts! You can preorder this item at the ToySource now:

Dragonball Z - Figuarts ZERO EX - Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku
New Kotobukiya Preorders Up! We've update the site with several new Kotobukiya Statues! Order yours here:

Tekken - Anna Williams - BISHOUJO STATUE

Cardcaptor Sakura - Sakura Kinomoto - ARTFX J STATUE

Tales of Zestiria Sorey - ANI STATUE

Kotobukiya - Shining Blade - Amil Manflare - Ani Statue

Kotobukiya - Yozakura Quartet - Hana No Uta - Ao Nanami - Ani 1/7 Scale Statue

Kotobukiya - Jubilee - Bishoujo 1/7 Scale Statue
New Star Wars light up lightsaber Chopsticks - preorders up! Even during a power outage, you can still eat your ramen with these awesome chopsticks - preorder yours here:

Star Wars - Yoda Light-up ver - LIGHTSABER CHOPSTICKS

Star Wars - Mace Windu Light-up ver - LIGHTSABER CHOPSTICKS
Now up for Preorder - Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Akemi Homura - School Uniform Vercu - POCHE FIGURE! Order yours here:

Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Akemi Homura - School Uniform Vercu - POCHE FIGURE
Now Instock: Funko's Game of Thrones - 6'' Legacy Collection Series 02 - Daenerys Targaryen, and Brienne of Tarth!
Order these & other GoT figures today at the ToySource:

theToySource - Your Source for Game of Thrones Figures!
New preorder up - Play Arts Kai - DC Comics - Batman Armored Variant!
Includes an arsenal of weapons, preorder yours at theToySource here:

Play Arts Kai - DC Comics - Batman Armored Variant
New Bucks Team Acid Rain figures by Ori-Toy up for preorder!
Featuring team leader Bob, and Steel figure - preorder yours at theToySource here:

theToySource - the Source for Acid Rain figures

16. Source Blog Updates!

NEW SOURCE INTERVIEW! The collection you've all been waiting to see, 'The Toy Store' with added wisdom. Collector Interview 31 ? Michael Kingcaid | Source Blog
NEW SOURCE ARTICLE! BadCube, but good toys? Does OTS-02 Brawny do the job as Masterpiece Brawn? Source Blog | BadCube, Good Toys? (Part 1 ? Brawny)
NEW SOURCE REVIEW! Check out Peaugh's review of CDMW-39 Feral Rex Plated Wings upgrade on TFSource here:

17. Newest Preorder items at TFsource

18. Newest Instock items at TFsource


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