I like the articulation on ths.
I hope the elbows don't crack when they're kept bent for a while. I bet they do but at the same time maybe the reason why they bend so much is cause it's a durable material so maybe it won't crack or get damaged because it's strong or something.
Wait, if these arm joints are seamless and yet still have an amazing amount ofrange,why didn'tHot Toys dothis with their Thor figures and other ones to? Most Hot Toys arms can barely go 90 degrees with the rubber around it but this figure can, maybe it's not rubber on this one?
Call me crazy, but this figure appears more to me to be a really buff, blue-skinned lady, and not quite themaleanti-hero painted in the description. Theres just something about the physique and the facial features of the head sculpt, that gives it a feminine look, to me.?
LOL, seems like everyone is trying to hop on that Mezco One:12 bandwagon now.