“We have sought out cult classic titles for passionate, underserved fan bases to give them the products they’ve wanted for years. When they see the level of detail in the sculpture, paint applications, articulation, and packaging of these figures, as well as the depth of character selection, we know they will be just as thrilled as we are, because we are as big of fans of these properties as anybody! ” – Matt Westover, President/Co-Founder of Megalopolis
“I’m delighted to be tasked with finding these great retro properties and watching them come to life once again as action figures. There will undoubtedly be many delighted fans!” adds Marsha Armitage-Bristow, president of Brand Brilliant Consulting, who brokered the deals.
The second wave of Madball figures from Premium DNA Toys are now available for pre-order from our sponsor BigBadToyStore.com. This wave of 6" figures include Swine Sucker, Clang Fang, Wolfbreath and Slobulus.
5 hours ago, EvilHayato said:Thanks, I have heard some people complain about business they've had with them but it felt like every store gets that kind of treatment. I think ive had many people complain about stores ive had no problem dealing with and so on. Hopefully they recover from all that and can get these things in production.
yeah they did address the issues in an interview with Pixel Dan a few months back, but it seems they have not resolved much currently, they said there was a number of factors that have slowed them down, I do hope as well they get over this because I always liked Megalopolis, and I also want to get my Madball figures once they drop.
1 hour ago, Lord_Scareglow said:I don't know if it's right if I slander them here (since they have not caused me any personal problems as of recent), probably better to just google it.
or I mean...well
Thanks, I have heard some people complain about business they've had with them but it felt like every store gets that kind of treatment. I think ive had many people complain about stores ive had no problem dealing with and so on. Hopefully they recover from all that and can get these things in production.
5 hours ago, EvilHayato said:I havent heard any news about what you are talking about. What is going on with them?
I don't know if it's right if I slander them here (since they have not caused me any personal problems as of recent), probably better to just google it.
or I mean...well
19 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:I feel like it is likely because of the current issues they have been having, and potentially sorting out that situation?
I havent heard any news about what you are talking about. What is going on with them?
1 hour ago, EvilHayato said:So uh whatever happened here? They had it set to show their new properties every month for preorder and havent seen any battletoads, earthworm jim or clayfighter anything. They had it set that each property was set up per month starting in september. My most interested of their franchises havent been shown yet and im bummed.
I feel like it is likely because of the current issues they have been having, and potentially sorting out that situation?
So uh whatever happened here? They had it set to show their new properties every month for preorder and havent seen any battletoads, earthworm jim or clayfighter anything. They had it set that each property was set up per month starting in september. My most interested of their franchises havent been shown yet and im bummed.
13 hours ago, JayC said:They should, it just went up so it will take some time for BBTS to get it for pre-order.
Alright well I'm holding out and hoping, because I really want that figure. Come on BBTS!
12 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:Ah see I already purchased the initial figures from Megalopolis, at the point I did I was unware of the current situation, and had never had any problems with them at the time, so I hope it all works for me in the end , the figures are not suppose to be out until next spring, guess I just gotta see.
also seems BBTS doesn't have this figure available I'm worried it may not be, and I feel as though I don't want to risk missing out on even ever getting it, it's all a tough decision.
They should, it just went up so it will take some time for BBTS to get it for pre-order.
17 hours ago, Mr_Scary92 said:Megalopolis doesn't sponsor this page anymore?. Maybe it has more to do with it and not because someone hates the company, although I must admit that the lines they've shown so far haven't had a huge acceptance in the collecting circles that I frequent.
Megalopolis isnt currently a sponsor, and hasn't been for a few months, but that doesnt have any baring on my comment. They've been having a number of pretty publicly noted issues with shipping and such over the last several months. They've even made posts about it on their own site and FB page. I hope they in fact can recover from their recent issues and make right the orders that people have had issues with, but if you pre-order them from BBTS, and for whatever reason Megalopolis can't deliver, well then BBTS will simply cancel the orders but you wouldn't loose anything.
The figures are made by Megalopolis, so BBTS is just ordering them directly as they would product for any toy company, but it just gives you an added layer of production during these what appears to be trying times for Megalopolis.