Entertainment Earth and Megalopolis were separately founded out of a love for collectibles and a passion for serving the collector community. Beginning in early 2020, Toy Overlord INC/Megalopolis expanded its buying relationship with Entertainment Earth Distribution to better serve the collector community. As numerous factors began to impact the global supply chain due to COVID-19, challenges arose. During this period, miscommunications occurred between EE and TO as both navigated the new challenges. Though completely unintentional, the miscommunications led to TO’s customers having an ultimately poor experience. Both parties regret that this occurred and working together, the parties have identified the cause of the issues and reached a confidential resolution. The lessons learned have helped improve operations so that the collector community will be better served.”
In follow up to the notice that Entertainment Earth and Toy Overlord have resolved their dispute, both companies are excited to inform you about a coupon code offer for Entertainment Earth products that is being extended solely to those certain customers such as yourself.
Here are the terms and steps to opt-in for a coupon code:
1. The coupon code is good for 20% off any in-stock product up to $400.00 (US Dollars)
when purchased online at entertainmentearth.com
2. Reply to this email within fifteen (15) days to confirm that you consent to opt-in for the
coupon code, and thus, for Toy Overlord to send your name and email address to
Entertainment Earth for the creation of your unique code.
3. Toy Overlord will send a list of opted in customers to Entertainment Earth, and
Entertainment Earth will verify and send to Toy Overlord the unique code for each opted
in and qualified customer.
4. Toy Overlord will send you the coupon code.
5. The Coupon Code will expire on a date approximately sixty (60) days from the date the
code is delivered to you.
6. You may not share the code with anyone. The code will only be good for one redemption.
Thus, once the code is used, it will no longer be valid.
NOTE: Toy Overlord and its affiliates shall not be responsible for any claims, losses, damages or other liability of any kind in connection with the redemption of the coupon code or the delivery or use of any products obtained therewith. Thus, for the avoidance of doubt, Toy Overlord makes no representations or warranties of any kind, and any terms and conditions in connection with the redemption of the coupon code and purchase of any products from Entertainment Earth shall be strictly in accordance with Entertainment Earth’s terms and conditions.
On 3/31/2022 at 11:49 PM, Satam said:BINGO
My guess is your right, as in to protect themselves legally as much as possible, but at the same time how likely any kind of law suit would or will happen IMO also seems fairly unlikely to me when you consider the cost it would require to hire lawyers and such to sue, and that most people likely at most lost $100 or less. I could be wrong because IDK how many people in the end didn't get their stuff and didnt get their money refunded. I know some people did but again no idea how many.
As for going through EE. Well Megalopolis as a etailer is not longer a thing. So Again complete speculation on my part but being both parties had gone to court over this "miscommunication" my guess is this is part of whatever settlement came about from that between the two parties. Whether its something the court ordered or whether its something the two parities decided to settle out of court on IDK.
It also would seem to suggest to me anyway that EE perhaps wasn't completely blameless in the issues Megalopolis had.
5 hours ago, JimmyTime said:I would go as far as guessing the reason you need to individually sign up and opt in for the coupon is to opt out of a possible class action lawsuit by taking a form of compensation from them.
It would have been nice to get a refund for the over a hundred dollars I spent.
I'm really curious as to what happened. Megalopolis ripped off hundreds of customers (at least), and even if there were some issues with EE involved, they still lied, communicated poorly, or not at all, and ultimately stole from a bunch of people. As far as I know, they have not settled with any of those customers since ceasing operations under the "Megalopolis" name, and shifting their focus to the Premium DNA company. I know they also owed EE a bunch of money. This just seems like a weird turn of events.
51 minutes ago, JimmyTime said:20% of $400 is nowhere near close to the$231.95 these people stole from me. Nor does it fix the personal embarrassment of having gone from 4 gifts for a family member for christmas to zero gifts.
This doesn't even address the lack of in-stock figures for both online and in-person stores right now. I hope there's something in-stock that you want before June 15th.
I would go as far as guessing the reason you need to individually sign up and opt in for the coupon is to opt out of a possible class action lawsuit by taking a form of compensation from them.
Yeah... I wonder if there is some kind of legal protection involved in them doing this... it's weird that it's through EE.
20% of $400 is nowhere near close to the$231.95 these people stole from me. Nor does it fix the personal embarrassment of having gone from 4 gifts for a family member for christmas to zero gifts.
This doesn't even address the lack of in-stock figures for both online and in-person stores right now. I hope there's something in-stock that you want before June 15th.
I would go as far as guessing the reason you need to individually sign up and opt in for the coupon is to opt out of a possible class action lawsuit by taking a form of compensation from them.
Today I received this email from Toy Overlord Inc. who with their etailer site Megaloplis was at one time a sponsor on this website. The email stated the following:"Entertainment Earth and Megalopolis were separately founded out of a love for collectibles and a passion for serving the collector community. Beginning in early 2020, Toy Overlord INC/Megalopolis expanded its buying relationship with Entertainment Earth Distribution to better serve the collector community. As numerous factors began to impact the global supply chain due to COVID-19, challenges arose. During this period, miscommunications occurred between EE and TO as both navigated the new challenges. Though completely unintentional, the miscommunications led to TOs customers having an ultimately poor experience. Both parties regret that this occurred and working together, the parties have identified the cause of the issues and reached a confidential resolution. The lessons learned have helped improve operations so that the collector community will be better served."
That email was then followed up by a second one that stated the following:"In follow up to the notice that Entertainment Earth and Toy Overlord have resolved their dispute, both companies are excited to inform you about a coupon code offer for Entertainment Earth products that is being extended solely to those certain customers such as yourself.Here are the terms and steps to opt-in for a coupon code:1. The coupon code is good for 20% off any in-stock product up to $400.00 (US Dollars)when purchased online at entertainmentearth.com2. Reply to this email within fifteen (15) days to confirm that you consent to opt-in for thecoupon code, and thus, for Toy Overlord to send your name and email address toEntertainment Earth for the creation of your unique code.3. Toy Overlord will send a list of opted in customers to Entertainment Earth, andEntertainment Earth will verify and send to Toy Overlord the unique code for each optedin and qualified customer.4. Toy Overlord will send you the coupon code.5. The Coupon Code will expire on a date approximately sixty (60) days from the date thecode is delivered to you.6. You may not share the code with anyone. The code will only be good for one redemption.Thus, once the code is used, it will no longer be valid.NOTE: Toy Overlord and its affiliates shall not be responsible for any claims, losses, damages or other liability of any kind in connection with the redemption of the coupon code or the delivery or use of any products obtained therewith. Thus, for the avoidance of doubt, Toy Overlord makes no representations or warranties of any kind, and any terms and conditions in connection with the redemption of the coupon code and purchase of any products from Entertainment Earth shall be strictly in accordance with Entertainment Earths terms and conditions."
It should be noted Entertainment Earth is a current sponsor of the site. I reached out to both parties to see if I could obtain any additional details. As I post this I haven't heard back from Toy Overlord Inc. and all Entertainment Earth was willing to say is that the emails are legit.The coupon code appears to be a way to help compensate those Megalopolis customers who had problems with their orders during the time of the stated above "miscommunications" took place.In the email about the discount code it says it was only sent to certain customers, but I never had any order issues with them so it's unclear to me why I was sent the offer. It may be they are just sending it to anyone who purchased something from them during the period the "miscommunications" took place. If you are someone who had a problem with Megalopolis but didn't get an email from them and want to take advantage of their offer, then I would recommend contacting them.
2 hours ago, Roadpigmaster said:Thank you man... I personally like the Toads figures... I may get only the two toads and not the bad guys.??
no problem, happy to help. I was only ever going to be getting the toads but those prices and lack of assurance on anything makes it a dead deal for me. Im so surprised they dont even display them in any kind of posing which is super odd. Its also weird about the bicep swivel and if there even is any since the figs pictured look to be painted over those joints. What really sucks is that they are made to order only and basically you either pay them and get something that could be crap or wait it out and see others get it and see how they are andnot be able to get them.
Those prices...ouch. Good luck to the people pre-ordering this line. No sarcasm here.
The figures don't look bad but I'm not a big enough fan of the franchise to pay that much for these plus the whole trust issue.
4 hours ago, EvilHayato said:here ya gohttps://premiumdna.toys/
Thank you man... I personally like the Toads figures... I may get only the two toads and not the bad guys.??