I like the Batgirl figure, but all the other one's aren't even worth running over with my car.
i like the batgirl. i'm still waiting for the All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder trade to come out in june.
very YAWN indeed I really do think DCD is dead now what with dccu out and about! Also what is with that funky articulation on them?.. I can actually SEE it!!! I thought that normally dcd hides it or what not but this looks like some sad attempt to ad ml/dccu type articulation to the figures :S I could just be wayyyy offf here as I don't buy many dcd but man that looks bad!I don't think DCD is trying to add ML/DCUC type articulation. You can check any other DCD figures topics and you'll notice DCD figures the All Star figures have the standard DCD articulations and DCD usually give V crotches for females. I can also see DCUC's articulation too
And I don't really think DCD is dead. There's still a lot of wonderful lines coming this year such as Justice series9, New Gods series 1 and JLoA series2,etc.
But I do agree that the All Star figures look bad. Lois and Batgirl looks ok tho.
again batman and superman. a while back a lot of peaple complained about mattel doing too much batman and superman figs but if i look at dcdirect? they realy are kicking it off. near every month they are doing a batsy or supes fig. there are other heros in the dc universe.The problem is Mattel's Supermen and Batmen are mostly repaints and clogging pegs while DCDirect usually release different Batmen and SUpermen that are based on differest artists' art.
yes thats the only plus i can give. the different artists style is a great idea but still they are mostly based on superman and batman. there is also everytime just one wave and thats it. they could do a last wave of hush. a lot of peaple are wanting those. you know what i would love to see: i would love to see figures based on batman the animated series.
very YAWN indeed I really do think DCD is dead now what with dccu out and about! Also what is with that funky articulation on them?.. I can actually SEE it!!! I thought that normally dcd hides it or what not but this looks like some sad attempt to ad ml/dccu type articulation to the figures :S I could just be wayyyy offf here as I don't buy many dcd but man that looks bad!
I don't think DCD is trying to add ML/DCUC type articulation. You can check any other DCD figures topics and you'll notice DCD figures the All Star figures have the standard DCD articulations and DCD usually give V crotches for females. I can also see DCUC's articulation too
And I don't really think DCD is dead. There's still a lot of wonderful lines coming this year such as Justice series9, New Gods series 1 and JLoA series2,etc.
But I do agree that the All Star figures look bad. Lois and Batgirl looks ok tho.
again batman and superman. a while back a lot of peaple complained about mattel doing too much batman and superman figs but if i look at dcdirect? they realy are kicking it off. near every month they are doing a batsy or supes fig. there are other heros in the dc universe.
The problem is Mattel's Supermen and Batmen are mostly repaints and clogging pegs while DCDirect usually release different Batmen and SUpermen that are based on differest artists' art.
again batman and superman. a while back a lot of peaple complained about mattel doing too much batman and superman figs but if i look at dcdirect? they realy are kicking it off. near every month they are doing a batsy or supes fig. there are other heros in the dc universe.
all look pretty good and close to the artist interpretation. might pick up the Superman and Lois because All-star Superman is a really really awesome book...All-star Batman on the other hand...eww.
very YAWN indeed I really do think DCD is dead now what with dccu out and about! Also what is with that funky articulation on them?.. I can actually SEE it!!! I thought that normally dcd hides it or what not but this looks like some sad attempt to ad ml/dccu type articulation to the figures :S I could just be wayyyy offf here as I don't buy many dcd but man that looks bad!
Yeah, I like Lois but I am not following the story - so I doubt I'll get her. The rest - no thanks.
Also, isn't it All Star Batman and Robin? So, ummm, yeah...where's Robin? :rollseyes:
I like how Super Lois looks.
I agree. She looks exactly like Quitely's art in 3D.
I like how Super Lois looks.