I talked to a Mattel employee at their booth and he said there would be a 6" scale TDK Movie Masters Batmobile.
Man, what are they thinking giving a sure-to-see-huge-demand exclusive to a retailer that practically doesn't exist anymore? They'd damn well better sell that thing online (and keep it in stock)...if you mean KB TOYS....then i agree with you 100%
Yeah, I was talking about Terry specifically. Cyborg with a unique attachment I could care less about.
Man, what are they thinking giving a sure-to-see-huge-demand exclusive to a retailer that practically doesn't exist anymore? They'd damn well better sell that thing online (and keep it in stock)...
if you mean KB TOYS....then i agree with you 100%
Man, what are they thinking giving a sure-to-see-huge-demand exclusive to a retailer that practically doesn't exist anymore? They'd damn well better sell that thing online (and keep it in stock)...
Hope they fix it in giving her cleavage. However, I really doubt they will give her sculpted straps mainly since they would probably just have it painted so that they can reuse the body for another character with a skin tight or skimpy outfit like for instance POWER GIRL.
I fixed it for you.
Another announcement from the Mattel panel was that there would be an exclusive All-Star wave that will be at Wal-Mart. The All-star wave will be the big guns or A-list characters only and will be available all-year round. I'm assuming that this is Mattel's way to make sure people (parents) can always find Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern etc. the big guns and the best known characters.
They announced that there are to be 5 main waves in 2009 and the exclusive Wal-Mart wave. There will also be TRU 2-packs, KB 2-packs and Mattycollector exclusives! Whew! For those of you who are still upset that your favorites haven't been announced yet (Green Arrow), hold on! We've only been told ONE of the 5 main waves of 2009 so far. GA may show up yet. And the winner of the fan vote will show up in late 2009...so vote, folks! Scott Nightlick (Mattel's Toy Guru) said that the other characters may eventually show up, but whoever wins will be made earlier. I personally want Catman (because there's never been a Catman and Gail Simone has made him a HOT character!!!), but I'd like to see any of them, really.
Dear Mattel:
Thank you for doing everything Hasbro has decided not to do. Your figures are amazing. Your selections are OUTSTANDING. You are going to be getting all the money I would have been spending on Marvel Legends and will NOT be spending on the Marvel Puniverse figures.
I was at the Mattel/DC Panel and here's how the 7 figure waves will work.
6 of the figures will feature C&C pieces. The 7th will have a base. The 7th figure will be the A-lister of the set (For example, Superman, Flash or Green Lantern). That way, if a parent wants to buy their kid a big-name, recognizable character, they don't have to buy a bunch of b- or c-listers to "complete" another character.
another thing they announced was that the KB exclusives of Cyborg (with Sonic hand) and Unmasked Terry McGuiness Batman Beyond...should be coming out in October when Wave 4 hits.
As for Wave 2 and the problems with shipping...They are very aware of the problem. They changed
distributors in China in the middle of the wave, so only a few made it out before they changed. The second shipment of this set, including the Jason Rusch Firestorm WILL be shipped sometime after wave 3 (Green Lantern, Robin, etc).
This is a guess:
Upper torso
Lower torso
Left Arm
Right Arm
Left Leg
Right Leg
That's 7 pieces, and I believe that's what they said they'd expand them to.
does anyone know how the C&C fig is going to work? i mean specifically with atom smasher..with more figs in each wave this could be confusing? i mean how many parts could they logically divide a C&C figure into....