I agree on that note shokker...Zantanna wouldnt be a hard figure to do from that sculpt
the more i look at canary, the more i think that zatanna isnt far away. i mean look at canary, she is meant to be zatanna. realy cant wait for deadshot. arrow looks amazing.
Ok,now I'm not liking these 2 separate cases issue!! I think that's bs. No reissues, no splitting cases, just one case, with he enire BAF figure available in one case!!!
Anyone complaining about Vigilante II has never read Marv Wolfman's New Teen Titans....
i have not read it, but regardless i still want the Cowboy
Anyone complaining about Vigilante II has never read Marv Wolfman's New Teen Titans....
Well with the problems that I have been having hunting any of these figures I have just decided to say forget buying these at the stores and I'm just going to pre-order the cases from now on. Wave 9 is now on my Pre-Order list..
i have no intrest in chemo. im going to build him, but he sucks as far as i can see! i hope we get a gangbuster fig to fight guardian too!
Does anybody know how Chemo will be divided up?It looks as if his head is fused to his chest so even if his upper torso separates from his pelvis, this leaves us with SIX Chemo pieces to be divided up over a SEVEN figure wave. Is there a repeated piece somewhere?
Every wave is supposed to be 6 baf pieces with the normal figures, and one blue display stand with the headliner of the wave (ie/ the one that will sell well enough on its own without being needed to complete the baf figure). Wave 7 Flash is the headliner, wave 8 will probably be hawkgirl, this wave I think it'll be Green Arrow.
For Mantis which one is the reg. Is it the one that looks like the one that was use for the Super Powers series or his human like?? I hope that his reg is the one that looks like the one from the Super Powers series.
The regular is the human form, the variant is the "parademon" look
I hate these broken waves, it just makes no sense. Why Mattel continues to do this baffles me.