Your welcome. Glad to help!
I don't have personal experience with the regular true type body, but I think the shoulders are perfect on mine (TT narrow shoulders).
I have heard that the regular TT works OK on the Classic Painted Joker body... so if you have a Regular TT you could undress the classic Joker, use his body (narrow shoulders) with the cop head/clothes, and use your regular TT for the classics sculpt/clothes... but that sounds like a lot of work for something that might not look as good.
I don't think you would regret springing for a new narrow shoulder TT.
Let me know what you decide and how it goes with your badge!
Thanks so much for the tip man! Had a similar idea but yours works better.
BTW, does anybody know if the cop Joker outfit looks ok on a regular Truetype body?
Seems likely that I'm talking to myself at this point, but just wanted to share another tip.
You may have noticed that the badge was missing from the above cop joker pics. This is because I wasn't sure how I wanted to attach it. I tried to fasten it with the ribbon on the jacket but it was so tight I couldn't get it past the first row of metals. Also the ribbon would cover up some of the medals. In one of the reviews at MWCtoys (in the "Articulation" section) he suggests gluing something on to the back of the badge so he could clip it onto the ribbon like a pen, but I didn't like the idea of making a permanent modification to this high end of a collectible, seeing as I only bought one of them.
And then it came to me! I would use a "twisty tie"!
You know, like the ones that you use to keep bread bags closed.
What you do is:
1) Burn off the paper covering. This leaves you with the bendy wire. And the flame turns the metal from silver to gray/black.
2) Wash off the wire with soap to insure that the black color is not soot that will rub off on the figures clothes.
3) Wrap it around the badge.
4) Make a bend that can fit over the ribbon.
5) Cut it to size
6) Clip it on the ribbon.
Here is what it looks like:
You have to look pretty close to notice it:
I think it looks great and it's not permanently modifying the accessory.
Give it a try!
Got my Narrow Shoulder True Type yesterday!
Had a lot of fun dressing and setting up the police officer version. her are some pics:
Like this pose as it looks like he just took the shot and is about to drop the gun...
The trick to getting the sleeves, collar, and tie just so is to use a tweezers!
Really makes a profound difference!
Got my Joker today, awesome figure! Definitely the centerpiece of my Hot Toys TDK collection.
Got mine today. Awesome doesn't even begin to describe this figure.
O.K., here is my first pose. (Can't believe I'm the first to do this... I don't count the above pics because they are from a third party;))
The expected grenade pose.
Not the best for lighting, but shows the figure/pose OK.
Look at the face!
That's all for now. I think I am going to enjoy this pose for a while. Then I will do some work to straighten up some of the clothes. The shirt in particular has a wrinkle in it. I will use the distilled water trick to straighten everything a bit. I won't be touching the jacket though. I don't want to screw up the velvet. FYI, the jacket has a wire concealed inside the bottom edge so you can eliminate weird shapes down there and give the jacket the proper "weight." Very nice feature! One of many!
Then on to new poses.
I should be receiving my True Type Narrow Shoulder body next week. Then I can start playing with the Police Officer Joker stuff. Head sculpt is great. And love the hat (nice tight fit!)
Well it's December!!!!!!
Where is everybody?!
I got my DX Joker and it's everything I could have imagined it would be! I love it and can't stop staring at it... and he stares back!
I would like to share pics of poses and I thought I would check out this forum because this is where I talked about it first... but might have to find another community as it looks like this one has died out!
No posts since October... really?!
I would LOVE to see some pics of your DX Joker! Mine is scheduled to arrive on the 22 and I can't wait! I don't know why mine is taking so long to get here. I've had the darn thing preordered since April!