DC Collectibles released Martian Manhunter, the latest figure for their 6” line of “New 52” and the third member of the New 52 Justice League Of America to be made into plastic from DC Collectibles joining Green Arrow and Green Lantern (Simon Baz). Check out our review for this figure and see if it’s one worth adding to your collection.
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GALLERY below.

Packaging - The figure incorporates the same basic packaging as all DC Collectibles. The figure comes in a white window box with green highlights on the right side to match the character. The figure’s name is on the bottom right corner. The right side of the box shows a picture of the figure and the name of the sculptor, Phil Ramirez. The left side has some shadow art of the character.
A thumb image of the figure with a brief bio for the character plus two other thumb images are on the back. One image shows the New 52 Flash/Vibe 2-pack which is already out, and the other shows the upcoming Katana/Wonder Woman 2-pack. For those keeping track, both Vibe and Katana are also currently members of the Justice League of America. Under that is a group shot of the original seven New 52 Justice League figures released. Nothing particularly stands out with this packaging, but you are able to see the actual figure before purchase which is always nice.
Sculpt - I really like the sculpting work on this figure. DC Collectibles generally does a good job in this area with all their figures but I find Manhunter to be particularly well done. I especially like the details on the figure’s head sculpt. I have been reading JLA but until I picked up this figure, I had not really noticed just how different the New 52 Manhunter’s head looks from the original design. It is much sleeker and has the ridged indents on the side of the skull which really stands out nicely on the figure. Most of the costume is sculpted; the cape and piece over his waist are made with a soft vinyl type material. He also has some nice sculpting details on his arms with protruding spikes coming out just under his elbows.
Paint - The paint job on this figure is also very solid. There are no noticeable errors on my figure, and the contrasts of purple, red and greens used on this figure stand out nicely.
Articulation - If you are a regular collector of DC Collectible figures, then you know that articulation is not the area where these figures typically shine. It should come as no real surprise that this figure has the same basic articulation points as most the other figures in the New 52 line. The head is on a ball-joint and has limited up and down movement. He has ball-jointed shoulders, bicep swivels, single elbows, cut hips, and single knees. There are no ab or ankle joints so he is somewhat limited in poses beyond basic standing ones.
Accessories - This figure has no accessories.
Quality Control Issues - No quality control issues I have come across.
Overall - Other than articulation, I really like this figure. I think it captures the overall sleek and modern look of the Martian Manhunter’s New 52 design. He is taller and thinner than my older DC Direct Martian Manhunter, and I feel this figure makes a great addition to my New 52 figure line. I know we are getting a New 52 Catwoman soon from DC Collectibles, so that just leaves Hawkman, Stargirl and Steve Trevor to round out our Justice League of America team.
Score: 4 out of 5
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