4 minutes ago, LordVenger said:Right. Maybe power the lights and ac unit
It better have a AC Unit in it's wings, flap to keep my house cool ?
30 minutes ago, Lord_Scareglow said:Yeah exactly, looks great, way too expensive, this thing better do my laundry and taxes for that price.
Right. Maybe power the lights and ac unit
10 hours ago, LordVenger said:Nice rendition of ghidorah but the $250 price tag is steep.
Yeah exactly, looks great, way too expensive, this thing better do my laundry and taxes for that price.
10 hours ago, LordVenger said:Nice rendition of ghidorah but the $250 price tag is steep.
I know! I agree.
Nice rendition of ghidorah but the $250 price tag is steep.
That Ghidorah looks awesome.