Like SH figuarts approach with one piece figures so far .. simple and yet it captures the assigns of the series
Where can we get these option parts for luffy??
S.H.Figuarts One Piece Portgas - D - Ace - Fire FistScheduled release: January 2025Pre-orders open: June 3
From the every-popular anime series ONE PIECE, PORTGAS?D?ACE -FIRE FIST- is joining S.H.Figuarts line as a complete action figure!Along with amazing articulations, Ace comes with 5 different facial expression parts, a robe made from cloth and a wire inside, fire effect parts, allowing you to be able to recreate different types of scenes from the series!Facial part for MONKEY.D.LUFFY -ROMANCE DAWN- from S.H.Figuarts, which is sold separately, is also attached.
More figs to add to collection
Shown below is the new New Tamashii Nations S.H. Figuarts March 2024 Pre-orders featuring One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, Netflix One Piece, Monster Hunter, Naruto, Shangra-La: Frontier, Ultraman, Godzilla vs Spacegodzilla, Mobile Suit Gundam and Undead: Unluck Figures are available for pre-order from our sponsor and Entertainment Earth.
Shown below is a look at the new S.H.Figuarts Netflix Series: One Piece Nami Figure from Tamashii Nations. It appears this figure may come with alternate heads for the Netflix One Piece Luffy and Zoro Figures which are available for pre-order from our sponsors and Entertainment Earth. Stay Tuned for more info.
Just a quick question: Is Nami from the Live Action One Piece a Dude? Because that's what this SH Figurarts looks kind of like: A dude dressed as a woman.
It really doesn't do justice to the actress.
This could look better