From the television series “Ultraman Arc” comes the Galaxy Armor, the mysterious armor created by the power of Yuuma Hize, now available from S.H.Figuarts!
Use it with the S.H.Figuarts Ultraman Arc (sold separately) to give the figure the armor-clad looks as seen on the show! Made with the cooperation of the Tsuburaya Productions Modeling Department LSS, this figure boasts a striking appearance with a faithfully recreated stone-like form. Thanks to the wide range of motion that S.H.Figuarts is known for, the figure’s range of motion is not restricted even with the full set of armor on, allowing you to create poses reminiscent of the ones on the show. The design’s purple and blue color scheme comes to life with its metallic colors.
Also included is a complete set of Arc Feathers, as well as joint parts that can be used with the Tamashii Stage series (sold separately). This allows you to display the four Arc Feathers in a way just like you would see on TV. Additionally, the Arc Galaxer and Galaxy Armor Cube that form when the four Arc Feathers combine are included as well. These allow you to recreate a variety of action poses from the show! You can purchase this figure from our sponsor
S.H.Figuarts Ultraman Arc and other figures shown not included (sold separately).