Personally I like the figures alot. The Shredder looks like he was drawn.. so I don't think you can fault NECA so much for that one as the artwork. I'm more excited to see this wave that even the first because now I maybe I'll be able to get a great Casey Jones figure. That I'd dare say I've been waiting my whole life on.
Actually the new Shredder looks perfect. Go back and check the first issue, you'll see it's spot on.
The Foot look great, too bad they mixed up that Utrom with Krang.
Extremely disappointing.....maybe its that I don't remember what the comic version of Shredder looks like but the figure is just not doing anything for me and the fact that Shredder is just a reworked Foot Soldier is kind of lame. April and the Mouser also look kinda bad to me.
They did such an awesome job on the Turtles and yet this is the best they can do with the rest of the line?