@firedevil@ @firedevil@ @firedevil@ TWILGHT, you have oficially gone too far @firedevil@ @firedevil@ @firedevil@ STAY THE F.U.C.K. OF MY ACTION SITES @firedevil@ @firedevil@ @firedevil@
Your not talking too me are you?
The 2-pack looks nice. I didn't buy the original Edward, so I'll get this set.
@firedevil@ @firedevil@ @firedevil@ TWILGHT, you have oficially gone too far @firedevil@ @firedevil@ @firedevil@ STAY THE F.U.C.K. OF MY ACTION SITES @firedevil@ @firedevil@ @firedevil@
Ladies and gentlemen i just got word from another figure site that there will be a Edward and Bella 2 pack comming out in the middle of 2009.Probbly closer too the 2nd movie New Moon.
Does anyone have the figure yet i would like a little review on it before i buy it.
I hope that these will suceed because there is an entire Twilight universe, me ideas:
Volturi Coven (these characters will be in new moon, eclipse, and Breaking Dawn)
I like the look of the Edward figure, but I don't think I'd buy into the line unless Bella was included.
Ok so yea this movie was kick-ass.Even tho people read the book said it suck.I didnt read the book so too me it was just a good vampire love story i cant wait for 2 and 3.I also think i was the only boy who was there on the day i went.
I will most deffly get this figure if i find it.I hope that they make Bella and Edwards family. @firedevil@
Ok the movie was Kick-ass.So if i find this figure its all mine.I also hope they make bella and the vampire family that be kick-ass too. @firedevil@
the picture of the Edward figure was pretty impressive. still not sure if i am sold over Pattinson but we shall see.