One of these days, I think Id like to pad out a collection of horror movie icons... Freddy Krueger being my topfavorite, among them. But, I think this figurewould be a top contender for a one time / all time Michael Myers pickup. It looks like thatd really be all you need.
Thi?s figure is? still available to pre-order at Megalopolis.Toys, don't be without this one on Halloween.
The sculpt on this piece is phenomenal.
I love the detail on these NECAfigs
The likeness is pretty spot on.
The grave stone is a nice addition to the figure, along with the decapitated head and the pumpkin.
It is good that they are putting this out, as previous Neca/Mezco versions now go for hundreds of dollars!!
13 hours ago, Raven87 said:Neca never fails to bring something dope to the table
Right on man!!!
Ive said this elsewhere, but... While Ive never been a big Halloween fan (although it is my favorite holiday), I dig very much the quality in the detail of this piece. And, how can you go wrong with anything that comes both with a severed headanda jack-o-lantern accessory??