It's probably for the sake of articulation, but the arms look really thin here. The folds of cloth are too deep around where his biceps are, making it look like he's emaciated in some angles. Other than that, he looks pretty good.
I just realized this isnt in 6 inch scale and is 18 in...... damn.. I really hope they make a 6in scale which I think they would eventually do anyway.
That does not look like James Saito
Holy crap, that is amazing quality! Kudos to NECA on a job well done, they really nailed the likeness and sculpt.
This is insane! Love all the detail. Kinda hope they release something like this in a small scale to go with the 7 inch Neca Turtles!
I wonder if they are thinking ofmaking a quarter scale troll to go with Kratos
Shredder looks great but I like many I want the smaller scale to go with the recent Gamestop Turtles.
That is a seriously good looking figure and sculpt! I really want to pick up this series of figs badly.