11 minutes ago, TheGrimeyGhost said:I realize I won't be able to get this figure because of the conditions of the release.? However, McFarlane might take this as a challenge and top ?it.
I wouldn't be so sure on McFarlane. After seeing the Doom figure with it's"ultra articulation with 22 points." I'd give little faith in their figures. Makes me scared for the MK11 figures.
Here are the official photos of McFarlane's Doom Guy. Look at the articulation of on the arms.
I realize I won't be able to get this figure because of the conditions of the release. However, McFarlane might take this as a challenge and top it.
Was able to snag that DC v DH pack on their second chance preorder. Bigger fan of that regular suit Batman vs the Armored suit, but they both look amazing. Very interested to see what the final two reveals will be. Fingers crossed that these figures help set a benchmark for future DC releases so the treatment they could use from other companies. Being compared to these might be enough to fuel someone to try and top them. NECA is on fire with their releases.
Man, I wish their DC figures would go retail. It's gonna be hard to track both Supes and Batman down for reasonable prices.
What a nice set, especially Batman, i have a mix of feelings for the joker Xeno, but overall i think this should be a good set.
19 hours ago, Neovorticism2 said:Oh ?, how I wish they could at least release the DC figures at retail.
I feel the same way! Really want this one and the armored Batman.
I hope there's an online sale. I passed on the previous DC set for TMNT. I definitely want this Batman along with the rumored Yellow Lantern Predator.
Blue Bats is getting a lot of love. Kinda makes you wonder if the new Batman reboot will feature a Batman in blue and gray to help set their Batman apart from the others and keep things visually fresh.My guess is they'll do blue, or they'll go with an Arkham City style armored Batman, or they'll go way low tech and give us a version of Batman that's a lot like the season 1 Netflix Daredevil and he doesn't use a lot of gadgets and relies on his wits and physicality.
Nice,this batman figure kicks ass.
Wow would buy this just for the Batman Figure