Looks good, but he's very small. If he had some accessories to scale with like a tiny cars, planes, or people, I think I'd like this more, but making him roughly the same size as every other NECA figure just makes Kong a pretty ordinary gorilla.
Cool figure. I dont need it but maybe if I see it goes on sale or discount I might add it to my King Kong shelf.
Not to nitpick but Im confused by this being promoted as 7 scale. First,King Kong is a giant so if you made one for a 7 scaled line the figure would really be several feet tall. So then one might argue well what they meant he is 7 inchestall not 7 inchscale but looking at the images he looks closer to 8 so that doesnt make sense either.
Great look and articulation. I can already imagine seeing a number of animators having fun with this on youtube. ?
Man he truly does look impressive and truly aggressive for that matter. Guess it's better to do the classic version first and then the modern version later? not sure how the phrase goes but you get what i mean.
Looks good, do wish he were taller through. Too bad they are unable to make Godzilla figures right now. The King Kong is sculpted nicely, may get this depending on price.