It's a cool figure, would be nice if you could find it in stores.
Really nice......
NECA is about the "BIZ"!!!.....
Too bad they loss the Godzilla License..
The were doing a really good job with Goji too..
Jeez, this figure is freakin' huge (comparatively).
Because of the inconsistent nature of the animation in the classiccartoon, while Metalhead WAS sometimes drawn as this much bigger than the Turtles, I feel like he was typically portrayed as just a head taller, not a full head AND shoulders. Still . . . it's not a huge stretch. I think he's close enough in scale that I have no complaints, I'm happy with my Metalhead.
Still not going to forgive April and Casey . . . . *sigh*
Another home run from NECA. Now,only if I can find this inthisneck of the woods.