This makes for a great display!
Oh, why did I actually order this? Aside from a few key characters I don't even collect this line. I am a weak man.
I have collected nearly every NECA Turtles item - even put down the money on the Turtle Van last year. I kinda wanted this so I just went to the site to order it. 44.99 is really high for a non-electronic prop with all of one moving part. I was thinking it would be 29.99 to 34.99, the price of a standard Turtles figure. But to add insult to injury, it was 14.99 for shipping plus tax. As much as I would like this item, 65 dollars is way too much. Could I afford it? Sure. But I refuse to support this pricing structure. It's not worth that much to me. At that price, I could probably get someone to do a 3D printed version that looked better and add some cheap lighting myself. NECA looks like they are going the HASBRO route. Record profits, so, what the heck, let's jack up prices for squeeze a little more out of our customers. Not happy with that.
I really hope this is an open pre-order window type deal for everyone, because this portal looks amazing. The price is fair and as has been said it could work for multiple different lines and has great custom potential.
Today is TURTLE TUESDAY! Take your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figure collection to the next level and impress your friends with this amazing diorama piece from the classic 1980s cartoon featuring four accidentally mutated amphibians who become a totally radical crime-fighting team! Donatellos Portable Portal Generator is now available for pre-order! Donatello was well known in the cartoon for his skill in building extraordinary machines and this Portal Generator was all in a days work for the brainiest Turtle.This is a NECA Store Exclusive and will not be going to retail! This is the only place you will be able to purchase this exclusive piece!Standing in 7 scale, it features three interchangeable lenticular screens, allowing your Turtles to visit different locations even alternate dimensions, just like in the cartoon! The piece is carefully detailed to look just like the one in the series, and even has an articulated lever. Comes in slick packaging that pays tribute to the original VHS home releases. Measures approximately 7.25 inches high. Action figures and other accessories not included.
Neca isn't joking with TMNT cartoon line, they probably will end up making it the most complete action figure line for any tv show. Not to mention this Portal has appeal outside TMNT.
Is there a preorder window like the Van and VHS set or is this "get it NOW" like the recent SOTO Shredder? I cant seem to find evidence it is the former.
I'm not collecting the Neca animated Turtle line but that would be a real nice diorama to have for a generalized background piece. Looks like depending on price I may get this.