That Red Son Superman looks bad, they should thrash that mold. Pirates of the Caribbean Batwoman looks cool.
I actually like the Seaweed Aquabatwoman... I'd get that one.
I Luke the Robin, I'd love to see how he looks next to the wave 1 batman.
I preordered my Damian Wayne Robin and the Metal Batman from Target, so excited that I was actually able to preorder something without it selling out in 2 seconds! Especially Damian Wayne, my favorite Robin.
I'll be getting that drowned figure to finish my Dark Nights Metal collection
On 9/23/2020 at 6:48 AM, Satam said:No mistake. Soviet Superman is the "Red Son" version. It says "Red Son" all over the package Todd showed off in his video.
Yes Red Son... alternative earth Supes... can still be de-powered by the red sun LOL... Still a gold star to the Toddster for making this happen! Glad it's not a BAF... sometimes that disappoints ... More power and more diversity, Todd... less reign of the Batmen-ishhhhh, pls LOL
Thanks for the news Jay C. I'll get 2-3 pieces of that Red Son, where else... ??!!! haha... That Robin too... if I got some change left #McFarlaneToys is hitting the right spots with this wave!
I wouldn't be surprised if we a set with batman and the bike together down the road.
Final product looks good I wonder how it will scale with my Marvel Legends Ghost Rider figures.