Shown below via comictoyhuntergermany are in-hand images for the new DC Multiverse 7" Green Lantern Hal Jordan vs Dawnbreaker 2-Pack from McFarlane Toys. You can pre-order this set from our sponsor
I'm glad to see hal in the line, now 8f we can just get comic versions of Wonder Woman and Aquaman.
I really like the sculpt for Hal Jordan. Great compliment to theJohn Stewart Figure. I just preordered this even though the Death metal figure is completely disposable to me.
The Stands/diorama pieces are the coolest part about these to me, excuse my ignorance but this Hal is a brand new figure to this line right? , it's hard to keep track of what's what these days with Multiverse. I overall think this set is aesthetically pleasing with all of the bright greens, would I buy it, no.