We've heard you loud and clear. Due to popular demand, in the coming weeks we will be releasing a Batmobile and Batman combo pack based on the 89' Batman movie design. Stay tuned.
I hope they also hear that the canopy needs to be replaced or at the very least painted black.
I probably get on board with this version...??
Based on recent headsculpts [Supes/ultraman & Cavill witcher] .. this will probably resemble Sloth from the goonies more than it will Keaton?!
I got the Flash movie version from EE. However this 89 pack is too cool to miss. Will definitely get it.
Is there any word on that rumored Batman movie 6 pack yet?
Let's gooooo!!! Missed mine when Amazon decided to cancel my orders for no reason, so looking forward to this.
I can't wait. Wonder if this will be a McFarlane Toy Store exclusive?