McFarlane Toys Doing 3" G.I. Joe And Transformers Page Punchers Figures

by Jay Cochran
September 30, 2023
While no images were allowed, McFarlane showed off new 3" Page Punchers for Hasbro's G.I. Joe and Transformers brands. McFarlane has already been doing Page Punchers for DC and Spawn where you get a figure 2-pack with a comic book.

They showed for G.I. Joe. Duke and Snake Eyes and Cobra Commander and Crimson Guard with an IDW comic. For Transformers they showed Optimus Prime and Wheeljack along with Megatron and Bumblebee. These where also packed with IDW comics.

It's not known if the final product will feature IDW comics or if those were just place holders. Both the GIJoe and Transformers comic licenses are now with Robert Kirkman's Skybound comics. Kirkman and Todd McFarlane are good friends so it makes more since the final product will have Kirkman's comics in them but I guess time will tell.
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RobertD - 2023-10-16 @ 8:32 pm
1 hour ago, Satam said:

Are you in the industry or considered "press," Robert? If you aren't, you wouldn't have been able to go anyway. It's a trade show and not open to the general public.

I actually am press, as it happens.

Satam - 2023-10-16 @ 7:28 pm
2 hours ago, RobertD said:

Well that plan came and went. Which stinks for me, as N.O. is close enough that it would be worth the trip, for me.

Are you in the industry or considered "press," Robert? If you aren't, you wouldn't have been able to go anyway. It's a trade show and not open to the general public.

RobertD - 2023-10-16 @ 5:19 pm

Well that plan came and went. Which stinks for me, as N.O. is close enough that it would be worth the trip, for me.

Fozzi - 2023-10-14 @ 4:09 pm

Los Angeles makes more sense to me because the weather is pretty good year round or they could try Orlando or Miami. I personally think Phoenix area is perfect because as long as they don't have Toy Fair from May to September or August Phoenix area is fine and it is sort of west coast. Or they could do this in Vegas. Basically same thing. Or Reno. Definitely some options other than New York because of weather.

MrWolf12000 - 2023-10-14 @ 3:02 am
2 hours ago, JayC said:

Many of the larger toy companies now based out on the west coast have been pressuring toy fair in recent years to host the show in LA.

Maybe they just confused Los Angeles with Louisiana?

Ill show myself out

Goldbug - 2023-10-14 @ 2:42 am

they finally realized no one would show up to N.O.

it was a really weird idea

someone just wanted to visit New Orleans during Mardi Gras & wanted to write it off as a business expense

MagnaPrime - 2023-10-14 @ 1:44 am

Any word on if it's moving back to feb?

lordtom - 2023-10-14 @ 1:32 am

The Gumbo Illuminati blocked the deal. I'm on to them

deecee4 - 2023-10-14 @ 12:16 am
11 minutes ago, JayC said:

The other week The Toy Association Board of Directors had announced they were planning on moving the New York Toy Fair out of NYC and to start holding it in New Orleans in 2026. Well now according to The Toy Book those plans have been scrapped.Right now the plan is to stay in NYC for the foreseeable future with a possibility of moving it to Los Angles at some later time. Many of the larger toy companies now based out on the west coast have been pressuring toy fair in recent years to host the show in LA. We will update this story as more details become available.

Does that mean they wont be skipping next year?

JayC - 2023-10-14 @ 12:03 am

The other week The Toy Association Board of Directors had announced they were planning on moving the New York Toy Fair out of NYC and to start holding it in New Orleans in 2026. Well now according to The Toy Book those plans have been scrapped.Right now the plan is to stay in NYC for the foreseeable future with a possibility of moving it to Los Angles at some later time. Many of the larger toy companies now based out on the west coast have been pressuring toy fair in recent years to host the show in LA. We will update this story as more details become available.

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