I suspect this will probably be the last Batman I buy from McFarlane for a while. I can't think of anything else they could do that might grab my interest, outside of maybe an exaggerated Kelley Jones figure or something. Wouldn't have bothered with this if it weren't for the glider, honestly.
Shown below via robdtoys is an in-hand look at the new Amazon Exclusive DC Multiverse Gold Label Batman with Bat-Glider Figure from McFarlane Toys.
I really like that they included a diorama backdrop for this, I wonder if we will see more of this from McFarlane in the future it's a pretty fun addition to the figures.
BTW - just wanted to let you know how great your site is. It was my GoTo last week to keep up with the DC figures going on sale in conjunction with NY Comic Con. I was able to get orders in for all of the Batman related McFarlane exclusives and new figures.
ah, so they didn't have to wait for it to ship across the ocean.
I too ordered as soon as it was available. When I approved the delay, it was showing a late November anticipated arrival - when I check my order now, it doesn't show any estimated delivery date
19 minutes ago, rrankins said:Just got an email from Amazon yesterday to confirm a new later delivery date for this figure with estimated delivery sometime in late November.
how were they lucky enough to get it in-hand already?
Overseas in Hong Kong. Mine doesn't even have a delivery date and I ordered the minute it was available.
Just got an email from Amazon yesterday to confirm a new later delivery date for this figure with estimated delivery sometime in late November.
how were they lucky enough to get it in-hand already?
Shown below via alaw2046 is an in-hand look at the new Amazon Exclusive DC Multiverse Gold Label Batman with Bat-Glider Figure from McFarlane Toys.
I was missing old good Capullo's Court of Owls designs and gadgets.
3 minutes ago, rrankins said:It's available to order now - just put my order in.
Was just coming to let everyone know.