A New Diamond Select Toys Star Trek Q&A

by Jay Cochran
May 3, 2010
DSTChuck has released a new Diamond Select Toys Q&A over on their Art Asylum website for your viewing pleasure.

In this weeks edition focuses Star Trek questions. Check out the entire Q&A below:

Collin McDowell
Just as a suggestion, the next Star trek Trek Tek replica in your production should be a Voyager era/ Deep Space 9 era tricorder. This could feature moving leds behind the screen and on the body. trust me, as an avid collector of Trek props, I have spent thousands of dollars on replicas only to find that the Art Asylum/ Diamond Select toys replicas are built much better. For instance the enterprise phase pistol, I bought a replica for 900 dollars only to find a hunk of resin. I then purchased the AA/DST model and was instantly satisfied. My point is the collector’s community will fall over dead for a voyager tricorder with lights and sounds for around $30. You guys will honestly sell hundreds of them and make thousands of dollars. Thanks, if you do, and P.S. I am a real person and I do collect these things and I really would love to see/buy a voyager tricorder from you guys, and as an added thought, a medical variety of that tricorder would bring even more capital. I know this because they are the center piece of many collections due to there removable scanner and rarity. Please make these please.

DSTChuck: Collin, I’m glad you like the Tek line so much. We put a good deal of work into each one so it’s nice to hear from a fan who enjoys them. Because they take so much work we can only do a couple in each line every year. We’d love to get to DS9 and other shows someday but we do not have either of those on the books for this year.

Patrick Gray
Although the DS9 line has ceased, (I presume), I am writing this to inquire if, with sufficient interest (which I personally believe exists) some Cardassians might be released. I and many others are great fans of the ’spoon-heads’ and would love a Dukat, Damar, and possibly a Garak-perhaps even an all-cardassian 2-pack of Gul Dukat and Damar in their Cardassian uniforms? CARDASSIA!! Yours P J Gray

DSTChuck: Right now all of the action figures for the Trek line are kind of on hold. While I would have to say DS9 is my favorite of the TV shows, it did not seem as popular as some of the other shows when we released products in the past so I’d have to say any large scale revisiting of the line would be unlikely.

Michael Rocher
Hi! I just read another of the Star Trek Q&A’s and saw that someone else from Germany mentioned the difficulties when purchasing your products. It is true, Toys ‘R’ Us, Walmart as well as German retailers like Globus, Mueller and so on don’t see that there are plenty of Star Trek fans, simply because plenty is not enough to cover the orders. If someone over here wants to buy your products they usually have to look at online shops or eBay, whose prices are normally up to 20% (or more) higher than in the US. What I want to say is the big retailers won’t order them, but online shops that specialize in selling science fiction would do so to offer lower prices. I’m not that much into action figures, but I just love the quality of the space ships you do! I’m trying to collect them all right now but it’s not that easy. Anyway last Christmas I got myself the TOS Enterprise and had to notice that one of the screws on the secondary hull pulling the halves together isn’t tight, which causes the saucer on the neck to be angled from right to left. It just doesn’t look right … is there I way I could fix this? Keep up the excellent work, you are making many people really really happy!

DSTChuck: Michael, I can assure you our sales department offers Trek products to all buyers, so if there is a small retailer or internet site in Germany that wants to take on this line we will sell to him. Without seeing a picture I can’t be sure of the details of the error. Could something as simple as unscrewing then re-screwing the screw work?

Tom Whitworth
Hello Art Asylum, you do a brilliant job at recreating starships from the star trek saga but you do miss the odd paint place like on the Enterprise E: there is a spotty texture on the main hull of the ship while there is no paint on the top half of the pylons connecting the ship to the nacells has none, when I bought the Enterprise E it came with a booklet and it shows that there is paint on there but the model I received has not, onto another topic, the art asylum company needs to upgrade itself as the companies logo hasn’t been changed over 10 years as well as the color scheme which after a wile does get very boring, the company itself needs to promote itself like this other company as they make more models they make more money as for Art Asylum more people presume Art Asylum is for children as the constant production of Minimates which I hardly see the point of! I hope you will read this Art Asylum tom

DSTChuck: Tom I am sorry if your E is not painted correctly, that just sounds like a production error. Next time that happens please contact customer service and they will replace or correct the problem. I have no idea if the company you mention makes more money or less money than we do and to be honest it’s not something we’re going to worry about. We do the best job we can for our fans and retailers and of course as a business we want to make money. We would only compare ourselves to another company in the respect that we want to deliver the best product at the best price possible. If someone is doing that better than we are then we know we can do better- and you can always do better. As for the logo- we update the look and colors of the logo slightly maybe 3 years ago so we have done as you suggested. We’re not going to scrap what we have though and do something else, we’ve worked too hard to build up the awareness and confidence we have. I think there might be some confusion in how Art Asylum works - they are the design / development division of Diamond Select Toys, DST is the toy “maker” so we already cover a wide range of products, it might just be that both are best know right now for the Minimates brand.

Mike Trombley
When you do a re-run of the ships (like the recent rerun of TWOK Enterprise), can you do a better job of announcing that the rerun is available? If I hadn’t stumbled upon it at Entertainment earth, I never would of known. I am waiting for the NX-01 and NCC-1701-A (as well as the new ships you have planned) and would hate to think I missed them because they were at a particular vendor that I have no idea about. A re-run column or ad on your website would be nice with a link to where these shops could be obtained. Also, what model has been reran. Many of us have “given up” looking for what is out there due to the high cost of remaining models (some close to $200). So advanced word would be great. Also, great job. My shelf is filled with ships much to the dismay of my wife. But room for much more!

DSTChuck: Mike that’s a good comment and not something we have though of before. Since we sell most of our products to retailers we have always counted on them to promote something like that- since we have no way of knowing if an individual stores still have stock. We’ll see if we can come up with something for future re-releases.

Howdy all, hoping I can get a few quick answers I’ve been pondering regarding your Star Trek line, more specifically the Starship Legends aspect. While the entire ST line is amazing in detail, to say the least, I will say my absolute favorite aspect of the line are the starships; you guys are making the toys I’ve wanted since I was a lad frowning at how undetailed my Playmates Enterprise was on Christmas morning back in the early ’90s. So kudos to you folks! 1.) If I have this right, I believe your next Starship Legends are the Enterprise-B & a Klingon Bird of Prey. After these are released, do you have plans to continue the Starship Legends aspect of the line? I ask as my understanding is the action-figure part of the line is on hold at the moment, but I’m seriously hoping that doesn’t apply to the ships! 2.) Does DST/Art Asylum have the option to produce a Starship Legends Enterprise, from the most recent Abrams movie, at some point in the future? Or is this a rights issue, where currently only Playmates has the rights to produce toys on that version? I ask as I’d love to see a Art Asylum version, since most Star Trek Playmates toys are a bit lacking. 3.) I hate to ask questions that might be redundant, but I’ve searched & couldn’t turn up an answer. What ever happened to the Excelsior ship shown before? Cancelled? I remember it at one Toy Fair, along with the Enterprise-B, but the following Toy Fair that ship was missing. I suppose this ties into the first question, so I’m hoping it wasn’t cancelled. It’d be sweet to start getting some more variety in ships aside from just Enterprises. Thanks! Keep up the good work!

DSTChuck: 1) We hope to continue after those two ships and we expect to but we’ll have to see how sales go to be sure.

2) There has been some discussions about the new Enterprise but we do not have anything set in stone either way.

3) The Excelsior was shown back then to see if someone might be interested in it as an exclusive, since we have now lined up potential buyers there was no more reason to show it. We’ll show more on the ship as we get closer in the production cycle and are confident most potential pit falls have been taken care of.

Justin Hyman
Please tell me which star trek enterprise toys is going to be rerelease and repainted is the Enterprise-A Enterprise-E or the NX-01 Enterprise

DSTChuck: Of those I’d say the E would be the most likely to be re-made soon and the least likely is the NX-01.

Sam English
Heya Chuck, Hope you are doing well there. I have a question about the Retro Trek items. The upcoming Salt Creature seems to have a 2-piece suit made up of the ‘dress’ & the white furry body suit underneath. I was wondering if the ‘dress’ piece was going to be a separate removable piece from the body suit? I ask because, if it were separate, the white body suit itself could make an excellent outfit for our Retro Mugato’s to help him look more accurate. Any comment on that at this stage?

DSTChuck: Hi Sam I am doing fine, thanks for asking. We’re still it the prototype stage so I can’t say for sure how its going to be made.

Ray Baxter
I was quite impressed with the Klingon disruptor unveiled at TF2010, but I was curious about one report from sci-fi wire that the disruptor would feature voices from the franchise. I’m probably in the minority in preferring the ships to only have sound effects and no voices, but voice effects seem unnecessary for a role play blaster, and I know that I’d prefer only sound FX.

DSTChuck: I am not sure yet either we’re still gathering sound files but I would have to say on something like a phaser or disruptor I lean more to your thinking of no voice effects.

Alex A
First off I want to say that the Geological Tricorder looks awesome and those ore specimens were a nice touch! Now onto the question, I read on Entertainment Earth that the Tricorder will include “an exclusive removable scanner with motion effects”. Can you give us anymore information on that? I’m hoping (but not expecting) that DST has taken this opportunity to motorize the medical scanner in which case, a good number of people will buy two or more JUST to get the scanner.

DSTChuck: I am sorry there is no scanner with the Geological Tricorder.

Misa Nikolic
I’m sure you’re inundated with all kinds of suggestions for new products, but here’s one more anyway, one that would be fairly easy to design. The EVA suit from STTMP and Wrath of Khan could be combined with existing head sculpts of Kirk, Spock, Terrel and Chekov for four new figures. Of course, Spock’s rocket pack would be a must. Keep up the great work!

DSTChuck: Right now the action figure line is on hold. We had hoped to do at least a two pack from each movie so hopefully someday we can make that happen.

Piers Bell
Looking forward to TWOK communicator and the disruptor… Any more phasers planned after that?

DSTChuck: We’re still hard at work on the communicator and disruptor but we do have an inkling of an idea what we’ll do next but not much more then that. We’ll have to see how long it takes to finish these and see how they sell before we go any further.

Robert Duran
Hi there, I have a question I’d like to ask…first of all..I LOVE ALL YOUR FIGURES YOU GUYS HAVE MADE!!! They’re of the Best quality and detail I’ve seen and have just about everything you ever made from the Star Trek line. My question is….of all the figures ever released….how come the DS9 ‘QUARK’ figure was never made? That was the one figure I wished you had released and even mentioned it to the actor himself ‘Armin Shimmerman’ at the NJ Creation Entertainment convention. His reply was…if they ever do release his figure he’d before more than happy to give his approval since only Playmates had done it in the 90’s. This came up because he and Rene Auberjonois (the actor who played ODO on the show) were both doing signings at the same table and I was asked by Armin if I’d like his figure to be signed after seeing the ODO figure…..and that was when I mentioned that they never made his ‘Quark’ figure. I guess that was my question even though it seems the DS9 line is done. Any chance Star Trek Voyager might come out their one line?

DSTChuck: Right now we are not working on any DS9 figures so Mr. Shimmerman will have to make due with the Playmates figure. If we do go back to DS9 then Quark would be at or near the top of the list.

David Boley
I’ve found a post that says you have an online downloadable phaser checklist, but I don’t see where there is a file to download. Am I missing something?

DSTChuck: The phaser visual check list is on www.artasylum.com in the blog postings. You do not even need to download it you can right click it if you want.


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