A New Diamond Select Toys Miscellaneous & Minimates Q&A

by Jay Cochran
August 11, 2010
DSTChuck has released a new Diamond Select Toys Q&A over on their Art Asylum website for your viewing pleasure.

In this weeks edition focuses Miscellaneous & Minimates questions. Check out the entire Q&A below:

Mark Dos Santos
You guys do a great job on the Star Trek ships and I am looking forward to completing my row of Enterprises, but what I want to know is are you guys going to give BSG the same treatment and start putting out ships? I would love a Viper MKVII or MKII, a Raptor, Cylon Raider and of course a Galactica would be awesome!

DSTChuck: We have considered it in the past but as of now we have no plans for any ships for BSG.

Jonathan Carroll
What is the status of BSG wave 4 and the the Toys r Us exclusive wave in terms of a UK release? Shops still have yet to stock any of these figures, while sites like play.com constantly push back their release dates. Are we still getting these waves, or has the UK missed out on them already? P.S. Where can I find a complete checklist for the BSG figures, as I’m constantly discovering new Cylon variants, and I want to track them all down.

DSTChuck: I think our distributor in the EU passed on those offerings. Lately all they have been willing to stock has been the Cylon offering. There might be some other ways they get into the UK but any significant stock would come from a distributor.

Jay Taylor

Is it at all possible to release the parts for the SG1 and Atlantis gates in some sort of box set without any figures? Could we also get the Plane, and other vehicles that were launched through the gate ahead of the teams? What are the possibilities of getting some small plastic models of the ships used in the StarGate universe? From the Prometheous, Odyssey, Dedolys, etc.

DSTChuck: Jay right now we do not have any plans for new Stargate merchandise but we have from time to time looked at ways we might get more gates or the original SG-1 Figures out there.

Jonathan Quirk
Any plans to release either the Horus or Anubis Guard figures originally planned for SG-1 series 5? The Stargate figures based on “classic” Stargate seemed to do better financially (DST should know better than anyone, nostalgia sells), so I was thinking that you might try releasing, say, two-packs of a hero and a villain to test the retail waters? Jack O’Neill and an Anubis Guard, Daniel and a Horus Guard, Teal’c and Apophis (using the Serpent Guard body painted gold), Carter and that cool Baal figure we never got to buy… that sort of thing, mixing cool alien foe sculpts with re-releases of classic SG-1 characters that you can now only get on eBay for hundreds of dollars. Some of the unreleases figures sounded cool (I still think you would have gotten more pre-orders for SG-1 series 5 figures if you’d released a picture of the Horus guard for prospective customers to see), and I would love a chance to complete my SG figure collection. Thanks for your time.

DSTChuck: Those are some VERY good ideas for two packs and you never know. The only issue with that though is the new figures are not tooled so we’d need to see at least a decent level of interest from retail before we could go forward with them.

Kevin Gomolchak
I know you guys are probably getting sick of seeing Stargate related questions from me, but here I go anyway. I was listening the commentary from the recent SGU DVD release and the actors seem to be excited that they will get action figures. Do they know something we don’t know, or are they just assuming from the fact that the previous series’ got figures. I now know that both myself, thousands of others, and David Blue want to get Eli Wallace action figures.

DSTChuck: Not to disappoint them but right now we have no plans to make SGU toys- once the series has been on the air a few seasons we’ll see how interest is.

Andy Kinnear
Hi Chuck You have said previously that hopefully if and when the Stargate SG1 and Atlantis films are made this may stimulate enough interest in the idea of further figure product from the retailers. - I appreciate how big an “if “ that really is. 1) Does the fact that Stargate Universe (which has David Hewlett and Bob Picardo reported as guest appearing in season 2) is still ongoing, and SG1 and Atlantis are popular in DVD terms make no difference to the figure collecting market? I ask that, because those of us that want and collect these figures will be the ones who will buy those DVD movies when they are released! The general audience does not fit into that equation in the same way. - Unless am I missing something here? 2) Is it safe to say there will be no further Stargate figs at all if the movies don’t go ahead? It’s particularly frustrating from an SG1 perspective, because we are only two figures short from having the complete main cast of the entire ten year run of the show and their absence is glaring. - General Hammond and General Landry. I have now given up any hope on a further Atlantis’s wave, a re-release of any of the existing characters produced, or either of the two Sgates themselves. - As important as Dr Beckett and Mr Woolsey are in the Stargate collecting audience, I can also see you simply won’t get them made. Unless – is it plausible that the two missing Atlantis leads could be included alongside a final SG1 wave? - Again, assuming there even is one. In a variation of the comments I said in my most recently submitted Trek Question, (submitted after Ask DST 98) I hate sounding despondent, but with no details of production updates - because there are no upcoming products, you find you don’t want to get your hopes up. Esp after the length of time we have all waited, hoped and saved for more of these characters.

DSTChuck: Andy- you are kind of missing something. The retailers have to be intested in the product. We can only do so much to show them fan interst or buzz or even the ratings for a show. If there is a movie, even a direct to DVD one, then they can count on a certain level of interest that they can convert to sales. It also shows the studios that there are enough fans out there to make it profitable, which gives retailers confidence. They have a tough job…a buyer always buys too few or too many of stuff. There is no way to be “right”. Sorry to say no new Stargate figures are in the planning.

Brian Kulesz
Minimate Headquarters revealed Marvel Series 37. The comments were interesting for that topic. I have several questions originating from those comments. What is the process to decide what figure gets put into a series? The 90’s X-Men Series had a theme. Series 37 does not appear to have one. Does AA have a wish list similar to so many fans? Does Marvel have the final say on any figure in a set? Is there a list that has the characters divided into definitely, maybe and never? Has Marvel ever rejected a figure or told AA that it won’t/can’t be made? I’m interested as to how the process is from start to finish.

DSTChuck: Brian that’s a good question. I’ve been asked that a few times at panels and it’s a little more than I can cover in something like this Q&A but I’ll do the best I can here. First is first I guess, yes we do have a plan with each wave and sometimes it’s pretty clear and others maybe not. PLUS you might not agree with our plan but I can tell you it’s not like the old days when Digger and I pretty much just picked stuff we wanted to see. The Thing and Doombot go with the TRU FF wave to round that out. The X-Force goes with the AFX SDCC set and the Prof X goes with the SDCC 90’s X-Men box set (plus other recent 90’s X-Men releases). The Spidey and Lizard two pack fills lots of needs, especially the Friends and Foes for a key missing Spidey rogue and the Spidey figure gives this wave its heavy hitter anchor. YES we have a list of themes, box sets and missing figures from past releases we work from. We just use it as a guide, to some extent the line plan takes on a life of its own as it goes. Marvel has been great to work with, they will make suggestions at times and it’s good to have their insight but I don’t think they have ever said no way to someone.

Adam Alexander
First off what a good year thus far lots of great stuff out and plenty on the way,lovin this year. I know I’m only supose to have a question but I have two to get off my chest I hope you don’t mind 1 any hints at movie mates this year besides marvel movies and the universal movies? (I know im fishing) 2 I’ve seen this done with alot of toy lines and its a success with all. Minimates that are ment to be played with taken apart messed with ,what a great concept and thats why im sure they have been a big success well on there way of being monster enormous gigantic success- have you ever cosiderd the “build a figure idea” with these little guys i mean there ment to be apart as weel as togeather I think it would help in the success factor and in each wave- four boxes- putting parts in every one to build a character would mean having to open all four and not sit on the variant witch also means having to buy another set to keep tucked away ,I just think its a great way to boost sales even further and all us minimate nuts get another figure per wave. It’s a big win in all directions.

DSTChuck: Ok Adam – just for you two questions answered. 1. Nothing planned right now for movie products for 2010 unless you have not seen the new BTTF set yet – that’s kind of been hinted at but now its official. 2. Right now our biggest line for the Minimates is Marvel and we’re not allowed to do different sizes for Marvel – so a build a figure is out of the picture. To be honest, I’m not sure build a Figure is right for Minaimtes anyway, we’re pretty happy with one size for all figures- but you never know.

Mark Hopper

Hello, I was reading your latest minimate Q&A and was interested in the question and answer about European distribution. One of the most popular comic properties in Europe is Tintin, and I think that would be an interesting license for you guys to take on. There is a dearth of Tintin merchandise out there(particularly in the US), and I think none in the action figure arena. Normally this license would be too obscure for the US(though the series is sold in bookstores all over the US, including Barnes and Noble). However next year there will be a 3D motion capture adaptation of one of the Tintin stories, directed by Steven Spielberg, written by Edgar (Scott Pilgrim, Hot Fuzz) Wright, Stephen (current showrunner of Dr Who) Moffat, and Joe Cornish. It’s the first in a planned franchise, produced by Peter Jackson(he’s on board to direct the second). This might be a great confluence of European and American interests, that may give you a foothold in the European market. Also they’d make great minimates.

DSTChuck: Yes, we’re aware of the new Tintin movie and the success it has had in the EU. It’s not something we’re looking at right now but you never know.

Tytus Welker
Hi! I love the oversized Marvel characters (ie Sabretooth, Beast, Hulk, Iron Man…). I was wondering if you would ever consider going back & making “power house” versions of Juggernaut and Rhino with bigger chest pieces??? They just look to small when placed with all the other figures! Thanks for all your awesome work! That wave 37 Thing minimate looks AMAZING!!!

DSTChuck: Yes we’re always going back and updating Minimates we did several years ago so more power house updates are possible. Glad you like the look of the series 37 Thing, we’re still not sure how fans will respond so we’ll anxious to see the reaction.

Julian Martinez
Now that the new Robert Rodriguez Predators movie is out,any chance we might see Minimates of them?

DSTChuck: We did discuss them with the studio and at one point we thought we were going to work something out – we even did some designs- but nothing ended up happening. Never say never though!

Feroz Nazir
Hi, Fair is fair. I really like the improvements you made on the Jubilee Minimate and I understand some of my suggestions were too drastic at this time. Compliments on giving us a ‘bonus’ Ben Grimm figure with the upcoming Thing Minimate. It’s little things like this that make me enjoy collecting Minimates. Nice to see the upcoming AOA Minimates. Especially the Sunfire Minimate. Is the Sunfire on display a prototype or final version? Because I think a transparent yellow version would look even cooler. While it was nice to read that you were going to do another Back to the Future box set I’m a bit disappointed with the selected characters. I understand each box set needs Marty and Doc Minimates, but I was still hoping on a Jennifer, Clara and maybe Einstein Minimate. Any chance we’ll ever see any of these? Because those are the only three I really feel are missing from the collection. On that note: thanks for giving us Radiation Suit ‘Darth Vader’ Marty! Keep up the good work!

DSTChuck: Feroz, glad you like what you have seen and like the multiple looks to a character. Some fans like that approach and others want us to keep them as simple as possible. The Sunfire and all other AOA shown were just prototypes. I understand everyone has their favorites from comics or movies and with one box set there was no chance we were going to cover them all. There was much internal debate before we settled on Strickland. You never know if this set does better than expected, you might see another box set in 2011.

Lee Harvey
Why are there no “Wanted” minimates?

DSTChuck: We do not have the rights to the Wanted comic or movie at this time and as of now we have not spoken with anyone about acquiring the rights.

Lee Harvey
How long does it take to make minimates and how do you design them?

DSTChuck: We spend about 8 months from idea to store shelves. If you are interested in the designs of Minimates, check through past posts and gallery pictures for first hand insight from the designers themselves.


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