Diamond Select Toys has released a new Q&A segment where they attempt to answer questions from their customers. A couple of key takeaways from today's segment includes an update on their
Tron figures with the Recognizer Build-A-Vehicle, the status of their
Ghostbusters Select line and their ability to do products based on the new
Star Trek shows that stream on CBS All Access which includes
Discovery and
Joe O.
Just want to say I’m sure long time fan of your work and collector of your Star Trek line. I’m just wondering, ahead the imminent release of “Star Trek: Picard” can fans look forward to seeing a version of Jean Luc, as he appears in that show, added to the Star Trek Select line? Also would it be your intention to add the double jointed elbows seen on the Westworld figures to any future Trek characters you might release?
DSTChuck: We do not have the rights to make product from either of the CBS streaming shows. Our articulation is always evolving; cost and aesthetics play a big part. I don’t think we’re able to make any commitment to a consistent version to all lines.
Dave C.
I am wondering why the Recognizer vehicle builder pieces were cancelled from the Tron select figures at the last moment. Was really looking forward to building this. Also since you have done a red Infiltrator variant of Flynn how about a yellow CLU version? Will there be a Yori, RAM and Warrior figures as well?
DSTChuck: It was not our intention for that to come out at the last minute, there was an internal communication issue with getting that news out. Sadly, after showing the Recognizer at Toy Fair and to fans, when the sales came in for the line they were MUCH lower than we expected and even less than had been projected to us. So, we had to make a call to cancel the line or cut the cost. For sure, it was not an easy decision, since we had spent so much time and money on its development. But sales were much lower than Ghostbusters. We’d love to bring it back or do other versions or new figures, but we’ll have to see. Our inventory has not been flying, so…
Shane H.
I’ve absolutely loved the Ghostbusters Select line. Are there any more figures planned at this stage?
DSTChuck: Due to Hasbro working on a line for the new movie, we have had to put our line on hold. We’ll have to see what the future holds.
Click here to read over the entire Q&A.
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