Kind of ironc they choose to displaya long awaited release (Keaton's Batman) with one surely nobody will care about (Hellboy Remake)
I love how every company is practically doing a Keaton Batman now it commemorate the 30 anniversary of Batman 89! Plus damn that Wonder Woman and Aquaman look sick! Now if only they could nail release dates.
I can't believe they're actually making an '89 Batman. I was definitely one of the people who said it was likely to never happen. He looks alright, but I'd rather have the Onyx just going off of pictures alone. I like the gloss of the Onyx version.Speaking of the Sovereign Knight Batmen, what happened to the regular release? It looks COMPLETELY different from the last prototypes we saw and the promotional photos they use to sell the figure online. The patterning is still there, but it might as well be a separate release of the SK Batman because it looks so different than the original intent.He looks naked now in these photos. The knee pads have become an eye sore. He needs trunks or something to break up all the flat gray. If these photos are any indication, the patterning on the cloth is so subtle it might as well not be there. It releases within the next few months so you know this is more of the final version and it's too late to tweak, but that suit definitely doesn't look as good as the one they promised us earlier. I'd call it false advertising, unless they change their promotional shots, but you know they won't. It's a shame.
The Wonder Woman looks AMAZING! I'm glad I passed on the Justice League WW figure because this one looks like it blows that version out of the water, it's so cool! I love the removable armor feature. I just hope they don't have the same issues with the skirt that the JL WW did. This is going to be a must buy for me!
I wonder how much their 5POA stuff is going to sell for. That Space Ghost and Birdman look pretty cool!I'm hoping this means we'll be getting a Birdman in the One:12 line eventually as well. I just hope the 5POA doesn't cost too much.
I preordered the second release of Gomez with the comic, he looks awesome! I love the articulation and accessories he comes with.From the looks of it, they'll have another figure that comes with a skateboard or gravity board of some sort and all the figures will have the same instructions. I'm glad to get this version though. The colors of the fabric and the suited look are really nice. Who knows how he'll come packed with further releases.His articulation is crazy! If they use this same buck and tailoring on John Wick, I'll be way on board with that release too!
I'm really digging the Addams Family figs! They look just like the cartoons!
I'm not sure how I feel about the '89 Batman. Since he's in a rubber armor instead of a typical cloth costume this figure to me looks like just a normal plastic action figure and thus not that much different from the '89 Batman we got from NECA (except that one was 25% of the price). I like the One:12 line but not sure that this one really translates.
Once again, Mezco has let me down by not revealing, or even announcing, A Nightwing or Red Hood Figure. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. Aside from that, everything they did show looked pretty good. Attached are two customs I found online.
these all look amazing