I'm extremely excited for this box set...preordered it! I missed out on a regular Batman suit and the first MOS styled mezco, so this definitely makes up for the loss.
9 hours ago, FASVB said:I'm the opposite. Just want Batman and Superman. Wouldn't know what to do with this Flash since I have a comic version and I don't like this design.
You're the second person I've seen with this reply, and if this set was available now I'd be looking to split the cost with someone. But with these being listed for an October 2022 release, realistically we won't see them until early 2023. That's too far off to plan out exchanging money with strangers. But maybe there will be people looking to unload Flash for cost in 2 years. We'll see.
Tough set for me. The Batman looks great but and I want the unmasked head. I dont really want Flash but he looks solid. But I NEED a Cavill Superman head that doesnt look like a pasty mess to put on my properly colored BvS Supes. Ill probably just take the head and sell the stupid black suited Superman that made no sense whatsoever.
7 hours ago, yojoebro82 said:I've got a live action JL going on right now with my Mezco stuff: Batman and Superman from Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman from the WW movie, and Aquaman from JL. I like them all and I would love to finish the team with Mezco figures. I want the Flash but would have preferred the option to not have to buy they others. Maybe I'll get the set and sell off Bats and Supes, I could probably make my money back on them, right?
I'm the opposite. Just want Batman and Superman. Wouldn't know what to do with this Flash since I have a comic version and I don't like this design.
I've got a live action JL going on right now with my Mezco stuff: Batman and Superman from Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman from the WW movie, and Aquaman from JL. I like them all and I would love to finish the team with Mezco figures. I want the Flash but would have preferred the option to not have to buy they others. Maybe I'll get the set and sell off Bats and Supes, I could probably make my money back on them, right?They all look good though. If Mattel had stuff on par with Hasbro ML, I never would have needed to go high end with my Justice League.