OKAY.....so they're including his signature ripped shirt too? Not to mention a Baumhofer head! Didn't see that coming. My preference is the Bama version (although why they have 3 of these that basically have the same expression, is beyond me) but its so very cool they recognize his very first look.
Never gravitated towards the pulp genre but thats pretty cool.
How didn't I see this coming lol , looks pretty good tho, I'm not surprised.Not off me tho .
I love pulp era heroes....the Shadow, Zorro, Miss Fury, Doc Savage (speaking of "Docs" where is Doc Nocturnal? ), bring 'em on! Now of course Mezco prices these very high, so this can be a deal broker for lots of collectors. Then there's Mezco's notorious lack of availability....however if they're gonna offer this on BBTS and EE, that makes it easier to get instead of just on their own site.
I dig it, but I rarely pay Mezco 1:12 prices. I've only done it twice, once for Black Bolt / Lockjaw and more recently for the Ultimate Godzilla.