Word on the Elektra Opening Sequence
by Outsiders
November 20, 2004
The following is an unconfirmed bit about the Elektra opening sequence (possible spoilers ahead!).
The opening sequence for Elektra will get all of her ties to Daredevil out of the way quickly. This film is purely about Elektra and her new journey, and hides itself from making references to DD, save one real scene, and a couple comical quirks.
The Fox logo will show up, the Marvel logo (which transforms into red silk-looking sheets that fade out). In the opening credits you see the Elektra bleeding on the floor, with paramedics coming. They pick her up, and bring her into the ambulance. During this, there's a commentary by a man, explaining why exactly Elektra's dying. No references are made to DD, so if you haven't seen DD, it'll make sense as well, that she was just a fallen warrior out on some mission or something.
It's an early version, so text had not been added to this print. They show Elektra in the ambulance (same scene as seen on the official Elektra site - www.elektramovie.com), but extended. They give up, and she dies. The screen fades to black and the Elektra logo appears.
After that, the movie is set to begin with it's story. I have not seen anything after what is supposed to be the opening credits, so I'm not sure what happens in the actual film. I remember on the Elektra website, they showed her on a lighted table, but that does not appear during the opening credits. Maybe in a flashback? Not sure.
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