BATMAN: NEW TIMES is a student project, undertaken by the December 2004 Graduating Class of The DAVE School. Written and Directed by the team of William Vaughan and Jeff Scheetz, this fast-paced animated adventure follows the exploits of Bruce Wayne as his crime fighting alter ego -- BATMAN. Bruce risks everything to deliver GOTHAM CITY from the vile JOKER. The JOKER and his henchmen do all they can to spoil GOTHAM'S New Years Eve party. Animated star HARLEY QUINN joins the fray, throwing everything she can in BATMAN'S way. Expect plenty of twists and turns as The DAVE School Students take you on a wild ride that's sure to leave you breathless.
Starring the voice of
Adam West,
Mark Hamill,
Courtney Thorne-Smith and
Dick Van Dyke.
For more information on this project, check out the
Batman: New Times website and
link page. To view the movie which is in Quicktime, click
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