Round two of the Four Horsemens’ FANtastic Exclusive 2008 ( is up and running, and it’s like nothing they’ve done before. The FANtastic FANatics have been asking for a shake up in the voting system and now they are going to get it.
As an experiment the Four Horsemen are holding back the results of round one, and going straight to round two! This time it’s going to be an all out character vs. character brawl!
Fans will be given the chance to choose their favorites out of 28 different characters from all four of the current FANtastic Exclusive properties on display – Gothitropolis, MagmaC.O.R.P.S., Zodiac Pack and Symbiotech.
At the conclusion of round two the Four Horsemen will reveal the results of both rounds one and two. At that point, if the results of the rounds contradict each other, they will set up a final, deciding round of voting.
This new approach to voting is going to give fans an unprecedented amount of influence on next years’ exclusive. At this point anything can happen!
If you haven’t before, now is definitely the time to stop by the FANtastic Forums and give your opinion, hype your favorite character, or even just take a look at what the other FANatics have to say.
FANtastic Exclusive - Now it’s anybody’s game!
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