Four Horsemen Toy Design's FANtastic Exclusive returns for 2007!

by Jay Cochran
May 27, 2006

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Response from action figure fans over FANtastic Exclusive 2006 has been so tremendous that we have decided to begin anew with the project for 2007!

From the beginning of FANtastic Exclusive 2006, the wešve planned to utilize the project to be a launching pad for new properties. Even though the 7th Kingdom and other Four Horsemen owned properties are currently in the early stages of development, we still think itšs important to continue to involve action figure fans in the creation of action figures for their properties as much as possible.

In less than 2 months our fan inclusive project, FANtastic Exclusive 2006 ( come to an official close with the sale of The 7th Kingdomšs " Xetheus: Champion of Mynothecea" action figure and the opportunity to pre-order five different Minotaur exclusives.

Between now and then, we want to get the ball rolling on FANtastic Exclusive 2007, and once again we want you to help out. This time action figure fans will have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the project by deciding which direction the project will go from the start.

The first official vote for FANtastic Exclusive 2007 will decide whether you think the property "The 7th Kingdom" should continue into the next rounds of voting, or whether we should go in a completely different direction.

This could be the most important time to come to the FANtastic Forums and discuss in detail your thoughts. The questions and your comments on our message boards will help us to sift through a complicated group of issues and address everyonešs desires. Be sure to cast your vote and get involved on the message boards to let everyone know what you really think.

FANtastic Exclusive 2007! ­ The fans are back in business!


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