As was mentioned in a previous press release, Four Horsemen Toy Design (
https://www.FourHorsemen.biz) has teamed up with five different partners in order to bring you lots more Minotaur goodness via FANtastic Exclusive 2006 (
www.FANtasticExclusive.com)! The waiting has gone on long enough and now the Four Horsemen have released images of those five exclusive Minotaur Soldiers!
The 7th Kingdom's Xetheus: Champion of Mynothecea now has help, and that help comes in the form of his five most fearsome and trusted allies, the Mynothecean Soldiers!

Emerging from the flaming depths beneath Mynothecea steps the red-furred warlord, the "
Defender of the Fiery Crater"!

Lurking in the darkest shadows of the Mynothecean caverns is the gray creature of the catacombs, the "
Keeper of the Black Labyrinth"!

Watching over the mysterious and forbidden corners of Mynothecea stands the black beast, the "
Guardian of the Dark Outland"!

Upon the mountainous horizon, ever vigilant of his green domain waits the noble soldier, the "
Sentinel of the Woodland Forest"!

And from the most desolate and dangerous frozen reaches of Mynothecea comes the white warrior, the "
Protector of the Icy Tundra"!
These exclusives will be available to the public for pre-order through five different websites on July 19th, 2006 for $20.00 each, plus shipping and handling charges.
All five of the Minotaur Soldiers exclusives will come with a removable helmet, a war hammer, a spear/halberd with a war banner attachment, and all five will feature the same impressive amount of articulation as their leader Xetheus - with the added bonus of an articulated jaw!
Each exclusive is limited to only
250 pieces each, so be sure to get in there and get them all while you can!
Plus, everyone who's a registered member of the FANtastic Exclusive message boards by 11:59pm on Monday, June 12th will have the special limited opportunity to pre-order Xetheus and all five of these exclusive Minotuar Soldiers days before anyone else by using a special ³members only² password!
Be sure to stop by the FANtastic Exclusive website (
www.FANtasticExclusive.com) in coming days to check out more exclusive photos of the Minotaur Soldiers, new production photos - including just received test shots and painted samples, and to join in on the early stages of voting for FANtastic Exclusive 2007 which is going on RIGHT NOW!
FANtastic Exclusive! Keeping action figure fans in a constant state of toygasm!
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