On 8/20/2020 at 7:02 AM, Atlantis said:Now that's impressive workmanship....just might have to give these a closer look comes sales time!
Looks affordable. I hope it would look good upon close inspection. I'll wait for the reviews.
Saw the link for Emile and marked it to notify me when it comes up to order. Jerome is cool but willing to wait to find in store
I will never turn down Emile! Best Spartan in Noble Team
So far the Emile and Jerome figure look sick, those are truly badass figures, but perhaps i can give the Gungnir Spartan a chance since i don't think i've ever seen that kind of armor in Halo before, hadn't played much of the newer games tbh.
Shown below are images for 4 newSpartan Collection 6.5 Halofigures fromJazwares. While not currently available for purchase, the figures are listed on theTargetwebsite.The Spartan Collection - Spartan MK VII InfiniteThe Spartan Collection - Spartan Emile ReachThe Spartan Collection - Spartan Mk.V InfiniteThe Spartan Collection - Spartan Jerome Halo Wars 2
Btw, this first wave of the Spartan collection is four figures. The three that are mentioned above, and the Spartan Mark VII, which I think does not appear in GS page, but I've seen people going to physical stores have been able to preorder it. Also these have been found in an european store, Smyth's toys I believe.
these do look really cool, a few of these I'll probably get
I will get master chief. How well I like that figure will determine my interest in the rest of the figuresbut so far Im looking forward to this line
These look good but I never really got into the Halogames so no real interest in picking them up.
If there is any luck perhaps we'll get Covenant figures in future waves, as for now the Master Chief and White Spartan figures look interesting for me.
I'll admit aside from Elites i kinda hope we can get Grunts too at some point.