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On 2/14/2019 at 11:20 PM, EDGE said:Im still waiting on my target to get Malcom in.
Same. Anymore, I cringe when Target gets an exclusive because that just pretty much stands for "You're never gonna see it on the shelves and it's never gonna be available to get on our site for more than 30 seconds, so hope you enjoy paying inflated aftermarket prices for it," ugh. I saw the Spino available one time on their site and it was gone before I could even put it in the cart. *shakes head* I know exclusives have a reason but darn it, most of the time it just means that a lot of people who want it will never get it at a fair price.
That said, the Brachiosaurus has always been one of my favs and I'd love to have it. It looks awesome from what we've seen so far!
That looks great, I wish I had the space to display something like that, the shot where they reveal the Brachiosaurus was one of the most memorable scenes from Jurassic Park
9 hours ago, TreiKaliToys said:It does look to be one LARGE dino indeed.
It will be over two feet tall and almost three feet long
It does look to be one LARGE dino indeed.
That is one gigantic dinosaur toy...did they post a final height measurement yet? Looks like its over two feet tall at least.
While it wasnt on hand at Toy Fair this weekend,MattelsownBrittshots has released an image of the upcomingJurassic World Legacy Collection Brachiosaurusfigure which will be released as aTargetstore exclusive. As you can see this one is in pretty good scale with their other toys for the line. It will stand over two feet tall and almost three feet long
Im still waiting on my target to get Malcom in.
I really hope this doesn't turn into another Spinosaurus fiasco. As a JW collector, Target completely screwed up their own exclusive with that one! I had to buy mine from the UK ($60 shipped) because Target didn't carry it in stores and only sporadically had it on their website-- and it would sell out within a minute or two. It took Mattel months of being badgered by fans to finally respond to what was going on, putting all the blame on Target for not stocking it. (Again-- Target's own exclusive!)
I've been looking forward to the Brachiosaurus since it was announced at SDCC, and now it's in question as to if fans will actually be able to get their hands on it!
Please, Target... Don't screw this up.
Look, this is all well and good, but Gosh-Darn It where are those 6" scale figures?
I don't even understand how or why, but now that I know one is looming, my collection can never be complete without aLegends scale Ian Malcolm.